Thank you for refreshing us of the injustice done to our Sun City Community by the Bjonerud group. These injustices are the results of the communications strangle hold Stan/Shelia's political party has on our Sun City. I am attaching my reply to the Stan Bjonerud's justification letter sent to the Board 10/20/2010.
Thanks again for your open communications,
Dwain Kramzar
Friday, October 22, 2010
Blackmail/Extortion Letter sent to SCSCAI
Stan Bjonerud, your Email dated Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 7:59am defending and justifying a Blackmail/Extortion Letter sent to SCSCAI Board. You write, "This letter, written August 31, 2010 by six former board members regarding their concerns that has been published on SC-SCOOP chat line so is public information." You go on to write, "I pass it on as it should provide you some background on the recent turmoil on our board and possibly answer some of the rumors".
You go on to say, "Personally, I feel the board is now taking to correct action to solve these matters and is doing so in accordance with the NRS 226 guidelines and regulations. The negative few are trying to create an issue out of these situation to criticize them and that is wrong. We need to support their efforts in difficult times." - Stan Bjonerud
Mr. Bjonerud, I find your defense of these actions troublesome particularly page 4 (Highlighted) of "THE LETTER" you refer to; this is a blatant case of extortion and blackmail by the unlawful demanding and obtaining of something through force by the signers - Richard Post --Ed Walterscheid ------Frank Beers, Jim Flynn, Bernard Bronstein, Gary Conrath -
"THE LETTER" has all the qualifications to be covered under The RICO Act. I am amazed the you and the signers would let yourselves be involved in such a activity. Another troublesome matter is your justification of their actions, you say is in accordance with NRS 226 guidelines and regulations. (What are you talking about?) Maybe you should carefully reread "THE LETTER" particularly page 4.
- How can SCSCAI attract responsible leadership knowing that they are exposed to Blackmail and Extortion.
- Who are the we & who you are speaking of-"We need to support their efforts difficult times."? You know we are 7700 homeowners and you surely are not speaking for all 7700 of us, are you?
Dwain A. Kramzar
Dear Board Members: August 31, 2010 Page 4
The solution to these problems is for President Steinman to immediately resign
from all of his roles in this community and spare himself and this community
from a very unpleasant series of events. We believe the Board must be proactive
in assuring that President Steimnan resigns. Absent President Steinman's
resignation we will take the following actions: we would first file a number of
resident complaints dealing with the above items with the Board to be heard at
the September meeting of the Board, second we would call an open meeting of the
Association to discuss in depth the items outlined above and any others that are
pertinent and third we would file with the Commission for the Common Interest
Communities and Condminium Hotels, Nevada Real Estate-Division (CICCH)
complaints on the Boards illegal actions. Beyond these steps we are prepared to
proceed in any legal manner available to complete our objective of restoring the
proper and legal functioning of our board and the return of proper management for staff.
We will cease our protests on the foregoing subjects upon Mr. Steinman's resignations. He should resign on or before September 7, 2010.
Richard Post --Ed Walterscheid ------Frank Beers, Jim Flynn, Bernard
Bronstein, Gary Conrath
The solution to these problems is for President Steinman to immediately resign
from all of his roles in this community and spare himself and this community
from a very unpleasant series of events. We believe the Board must be proactive
in assuring that President Steimnan resigns. Absent President Steinman's
resignation we will take the following actions: we would first file a number of
resident complaints dealing with the above items with the Board to be heard at
the September meeting of the Board, second we would call an open meeting of the
Association to discuss in depth the items outlined above and any others that are
pertinent and third we would file with the Commission for the Common Interest
Communities and Condminium Hotels, Nevada Real Estate-Division (CICCH)
complaints on the Boards illegal actions. Beyond these steps we are prepared to
proceed in any legal manner available to complete our objective of restoring the
proper and legal functioning of our board and the return of proper management for staff.
We will cease our protests on the foregoing subjects upon Mr. Steinman's resignations. He should resign on or before September 7, 2010.
Richard Post --Ed Walterscheid ------Frank Beers, Jim Flynn, Bernard
Bronstein, Gary Conrath
On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 9:37 PM, drgtrustpl <> wrote:
I think this is a good time to refresh everyones memory. Below is the letter from the 6 Board members with my comments. This was sent to all Directors and the Stan Bjonerud group the master mind behind some very bad activities, all in the name of respect and honor. You be the judge. Keep in mind the recent comments and messages from Bronstein and company. The total Board has a lot to answer for but I guarantee you that Marilyn out did them all. See you all monday night.
Don Gelbman, Director
p.s. I will keep posting this infamous letter until those who support this type of governance give up. That includes both sides of this sordid story.
Dear Board Members:
As former Board members, we are deeply concerned by the manner in which the Board has handled the Ron Winkel matter and other events during the past five months. We believe that the efforts to remove Mr. Winkel as Executive Director have been driven by the actions of President Steinman who has been acting out of personal animosity to Mr. Winkel as well as a desire to remove Mr. Winkel in order to have Ms. Kate Carroll become Executive Director of the Association. A DISGUSTING ALLEGATION.
We believe this animosity began a year ago when then Director Steinman vociferously argue with then President Post and Mr. Winkel that Ms. Carroll had to be named as acting Executive Director when Mr. Winkel went on vacation: In that meeting Mr. Steinman incorrectly and adamantly declared that only a licensed Community Association Manager (CAM) could act in Mr. Winkel's absence and became highly incensed when both then President Post and Mr. Winkel rejected his views. IF THIS IS TRUE MR. STEINMAN IS WRONG BUT THE BOARD HAS ALSO TAKEN THE SAME WRONG POSITION TODAY.
We have good reason to believe that shortly after he became President of the Association
this year, President Steinman informed a fellow Board member that he intended to do
everything he could to get Mr. Winkel removed as Executive Director and have him replaced with Ms. Carroll. We believe that President Steinman viewed the investigatory actions implemented by the Board both before and after the dismissal of the prior Human
Resources (HR) Director as a golden opportunity to accomplish this purpose. We know that after this dismissal occurred, President Steinman improperly and without authority ordered Mr. Winkel to appoint Ms. Carroll as acting HR Director and ordered him to provide her a significant salary increase because she was "having financial difficulties" and would be doing two jobs. THIS IS TYPICAL OF HOW THIS BOARD OPERATES HOWEVER THE EVIDENCE AGAINST WINKEL SHOULD HAVE HAD THE COMPLETE BOARD BEHIND MR. STEINMEN
We- know that since April 11,2010 the Board has engaged in a series of executive sessions having to do with Mr. Winkel and that the majority of those sessions were not properly noticed before they occurred. We know that on several occasions in those executive sessions the Board took actions that are directly contrary to NRS 116.3185(3). Specifically. we are aware that in executive session the Board voted to place Mr. Winket on administrative leave and that the Board voted to make Ms. Carroll Interim Executive
Director. We also know that Mr. Winkel was placed on administrative leave for three weeks and that during this period President Steinman instructed staff to falsely inform residents that Mr. Winkel was on vacation. We are also aware that President Steinman has improperly and without authority directed billing statements from the investigating attorney to be sent to his home rather than to the Administration Office. IT IS AMAZING WHAT YOU THINK YOU KNOW. THAT IN ITSELF IS SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY. SURE YOU AND ALL PRIOR BOARD MEMBERS FELT QUITE COMPFORTABLE IN OPERATING IMPROPERLY. WHY BRAG ABOUT IT.
We are aware of four specific allegations made against Mr. Winkel and presented to the
Board. We believe that three of those allegations are without merit. We believe that with
regard to one of them, the Board was unduly influenced by a belief and concern that the
Association could be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for having undocumented
workers on its payroll. We believe that President Steinman and one or two other Board
While we believe that Mr. Winkel acted inappropriately in forming an Home Owners
Association (HOA) management firm without first getting prior Board approval, we can find no evidence whatever that during the time this HOA firm was in existence any action by it harmed the Association in any way. Nor can we find any evidence that any action by Mr. Winkel with respect to it harmed the Association in any significant way. We are aware that recently a newsletter for an HOA managed by this firm was found in an Association folding machine and the Board has assumed it was there because Mr. Winkel was using the machine for his private firm. We are unaware, however, that the Board has made any attempt to discuss this matter with Mr. Winkel or to consider it in any way a controlling matter in the determination to remove Mr. Winkel. WHO THE HELL ARE YOU. YOU CAN FIND NO EVIDENCE. I GUARANTEE THAT THERE IS EVIDENCE.
We are also aware that the Board is considering an agreement with Mr. Winkel whereby his leaving the Association will be presented as a voluntary decision on his part. We know, and you know, that is simply false. We know that the Board threatened to seek removal of his license if he did not leave under the terms dictated by it. We are gravely concerned that the Board decided to act in this fashion, particularly since we believe that if the Board had actually attempted such an action it would have subjected the Association to a major lawsuit which it may well have lost. THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT IS A FARCE AND A FRAUDLENT WASTE OF ASSOCIATION MONEY.
Unfortunately it appears that all of the board members are complicit in the violation of
NRS116 as it relates to agenda notice of action items and open debate before a vote is taken. We will dispense with a complete listing of these items as you all are aware of what you have done. In addition there is the question of improperly noticed executive committee meetings both before and after such meetings. While we lack evidence, we are concerned that the Board has not caused proper minutes to be prepared and approved of all of these executive sessions. The number of instances of violation appear to be numerous and of significance. Under Nevada law a fine up to $1000 may be levied for each instance of violation. (NRS
We are also aware that an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) statement has been filed against President Steinman alleging sexual harassment. We are also aware that five Board members are aware of and have heard the content of a voice mail that President Steinman sent to the Association's executive secretary. That voice mail has content that is extremely embarrassing to both President Steinman and Ms. Carroll. We believe it is more than sufficient to demonstrate that President Steinman has a relationship with Ms. Carroll that goes beyond that which is appropriate between the President of the Association and the Interim Executive Director of the Association. The failure of the Board to take any action to date on this statement after being made aware of the voice mail and other information is very unfortunate and may put the Association in a bad light as the EEOC investigation proceeds. THIS BOARD NEEDS NO HELP IN SCREWING UP, THEY DO IT ALL THE TIME. YOUR PRESENTATION OF FACTS IS FAULTY AND YOUR CONCLUSION THAT MR. STEINMAN DID ANYTHING WRONG IS INCORRECT IN LAW AND FACT. SHAME ON YOU FOR USING AN UNINTENDED MESSAGE ON AN ANSWER MACHINE AS EVIDENCE OF WRONGDOING. THE REAL PROBLEM IS THAT YOU 6 CARE NOTHING ABOUT TRUTH. YOU NEVER HAVE AND NEVER WILL.
A formal EEOC complaint could result in sanctions and sizable financial liabilities against all involved and the association. Given President Steinman's past role as a City of Las Vegas City Councilman and of the Las Vegas Planning Commission we believe that, unfortunately for Sun City, ihe media might be inclined to be more interested in these allegations than under normal circumstances. Of course a story involving an age restricted community and these allegations would be titillating to some. We are hopeful that we can avoid such unpleasant publicity being brought to bear on our community. Such publicity would make it extremely difficult to recruit a highly qualified candidate to replace Mr. Winkel and would almost certainly affect home values. THIS BOARD SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE ALL OF THE LIES AND DECEIT. WE HAVE LOST A LOT OF MONEY AND THE WAY THIS ORGANIZATION IS RUN NO HONEST AND ABOVE BOARD EXECUTIVE WOULD TOUCH IT. IN FACT NO ONE SHOULD SERVE ON THE BOARD SINCE THE WAY IT IS OPERATED MAKES ALL SUBJECT TO INVESTIGATION AND REQUIRES A 24/7 UNPAID EFFORT. WHY DOES THE PRESENT BOARD WANT TO GIVE THAT TYPE OF EFFORT FOR NO PAY? IF THE BOARD WAS OPERATED PROPERLY ALL A DIRECTOR WOULD BE REQUIRED TO DO IS MAKE SURE THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DID HIS JOB. THAT IS WHY HE GETS PAID SO WHY WOULD A DIRECTOR WANT TO DO HIS OR HER JOB WITHOUT PAY.
It should be obvious to the members of the Board that President Steinman's behavior as
President is causing serious problems. We would like to state that we have a complete lack of confidence in President Steinman in his present role inthis community as President, Director, and Chairman of the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). IT IS ONLY OBVIOUS TO THE 4 BOARD MEMBERS WHO ARE IN BED WITH YOU.
The solution to these problems is for President Steinman to immediately resign from all of his roles in this community and spare himself and this community from a very unpleasant series of events. We believe the Board must be proactive in assuring that President Steimnan resigns. Absent President Steinman's resignation we will take the following actions: we would first file a number of resident complaints dealing with the above items with the Board to be heard at the September meeting of the Board, second we would call an open meeting of the Association to discuss in depth the items outlined above and any others that are pertinent and third we would file with the Commission for the Common Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels, Nevada Real Estate Division (CICCH) complaints on the Boards illegal actions. Beyond these steps we are prepared to proceed in any legal manner available to complete our objective of restoring the proper and legal functioning of our board and the return of proper management for staff. We will cease our protests on the foregoing subjects upon Mr. Steinman's resignations. He should resign on or before September 7,2010. SHAME ON YOU. YOU DID THE SAME THING WHEN YOU HAD MR. BARSKY USE RAINEY DAY AND 3 OR 4 OTHER EMPLOYEES TO TRY AND FORCE FRIAR AND FACTOR TO RESIGN. IT DIDN'T WORK THEN AND WONT WORK NOW. THE DIFFERENCE IS THAT IN THOSE DAYS WE PAID EVERYONE OFF AND LIFE WENT ON. TODAY YOU AND YOUR 4 BOARD MEMBERS HAVE BROUGHT ICE INTO THE PICTURE AND I LOOK FORWARD TO THEIR OPEN INVESTIGATION. AS FOR THE EEOC COMPLAINT BY MARTIN, FORGET IT. YOU PAID OFF WINKEL BUT YOU WILL HAVE DIFFICULTY WITH PAYING OFF ANYONE ELSE. KATE HAS BEE SEVERLY DAMAGED BY YOU AND YOUR GROUP AND SHE WILL GET ADEQUATELY COMPENSATED FOR THE SMEAR CAMPAIGN YOU HAVE TAKEN IN THE NAME OF SCSCAI. STEINMAN SHOULD NOT USE THE ASSOCIATION ATTORNEY SINCE THIS BOARD HAS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST.
Richard Post, Ed Walterscheid, Frank Beers, Jim Flynn, Bernard Bronstein, and Gary Conrath
Dwain A. Kramzar
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