Please don't through the baby out with the bathwater!
Dwain A. Kramzar
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 2:02 PM, Fred Wagner <> wrote:
Dwane... You have really pissed me off. In my response to you on 1/17/11, I SPECIFICALLY reduced the list of addressees to you and the BOD (who I report to). For some perverse and peevish reason you copied my letter [CORRECTION: copy of your response to my January 13, 2011 correspondence, pointing out to you the damage done to our community's Election Process brought on by the Electioneering practices by the Bjonerud/McCanna group] to my and your response to your blog, and both the SC_SCOOP and SCBuzz 'chat' lines [this is our responsibility to the community due to the fact that this is the only open means of communications to SCS] without even asking me if it was OK with me. What gall !!! I tried to be constructive and civil and you sucker punch me !! You are a jerk. I'm done playing games with you. [SCSCAI is not a game to me]
Cc: David Steinman ; Ellen C. Bachman ; Frank Beers ; Jim Flynn ; Joe O'Connell ; Ken Caroccia ; Marilyn LeVasseur ; Orin "Bud" Cook ; Pat Cullen ; Sun City Summerlin-BlogSent: Monday, January 17, 2011 4:32 PMSubject: Re: January 12, 2011 - RESIDENT FORM MEET THE CANDIDATE MEETINGMr. Wagner, maybe my comments in blue might clarify the intentions of my correspondence. My main concerns is the dysfunctional leadership due to the growing Voter apathy; apathy is a direct result of a small political group taking control of our HOA by dominating the committee's, therefore, gaining control of our management, communications, finances and elections.
I would hope you will keep an open mind and remember the homeowner is the solution, not a small political group.
Dwain A. Kramzar702.838.5049
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Fred Wagner <> wrote:
Mr. Kramzer :I have reviewed your letter and the embedded correspondence and have the following comments :1. Regarding the issues you raised in January 2009, I believe the response and advise provided in Mr. Barry Goldman's letter to you dated January 28, 2009, was and is appropriate and complete. The Election Committee exercises no control over either the Resident's Forum or the Board of Directors or any action / inaction they take. [Fred, I was not seeking advice from Mr. Goldman and I Did not ask the Election Committee to exercises controls over the Resident Form or the Board or ask for any action / interaction to be taken. Fred, the letter I sent to Mr. Goldman was to go on the written record establishing the concerns I expressed at the Candidates Orientation meeting. The question I had at that time was, "would these Meet the Candidates meetings be used for picking a slate of recommended Candidates"? Mr. Goldman's answer was "absolutely not" however individually a person could express their own choice; I have no problem with people thinking for themselves.]2. The Election Committee's relationship with the Resident's Forum and the 'Meet the Candidates' night has evolved over time from 3 meetings to only one this year. These changes were taken after thoughtful consideration. If you have a desire to change the format of either the issues controlled by the Election Committee or the Residents Forum, then I would recommend you submit your name to either group to join them and participate. [This relationship isn't the issue, the conduct of the leadership of the Residents Form is!]3. I am puzzled as to the source of the section of the "Master By-Laws" you highlighted below. The latest approved Bylaws are dated December 1, 2010 and a copy of the approved version was included in the Link. I looked through both the 12/1/10 version of the Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations as posted on our web site and was unsuccessful in locating your citation. Be that as it may and having attended the Resident's Forum Meet the Candidates night on 1/12/11, I do not agree with you that the "rights and privileges of other Association members" were jeopardized. [Maybe I can solve this puzzle, the Master Bylaws, 2.3 Privileges and Rights (02/03/09) states: (c) No member or group of members, whether or not sponsored by a chartered club, or any other person or persons, shall so conduct themselves in or on Association property so as to jeopardize the rights and privileges of other Association members, their guests or any other person or persons, referenced in the Tuesday, February 02, 2010 Complaints to the Board correspondence, is it possible that this is why section (c) was deleted from the December 1, 2010 version?. Fred, this conversation would not have been necessary if the McCanna/Bjonerud group would have been held accountable in the past.]
Dwain... I'm only a volunteer homeowner charged with chairing the Election Committee in accordance with the Bylaws. [The Board is responsible to uphold our Bylaws also as I pointed out to them in my Complaints to the Board, complaint #3 dealing with Electoral fraud. The Board chose to ignore this formal complaint therefore violating all of Sun City's home-owners rights and are in violation of the Master By-Laws, NRS 116 and Federal Laws.] I have no power to rectify your concerns. Join the Residents Forum and participate in their planning for future 'Meet the Candidates' nights. [I didn't ask you to rectify anything, I only wanted to point out the past in order to make it possible to attract Candidates for the Board in the future. who in their right mind would be a candidate when subjected to ridicule and Blackmail/Extortion.]
Fred Wagner
----- Original Message -----From: Dwain KramzarTo: Fred WagnerCc: Sun City Summerlin-Blog ; David Steinman ; Ellen C. Bachman ; Frank Beers ; Jim Flynn ; Joe O'Connell ; Ken Caroccia ; Marilyn LeVasseur ; Orin 'Bud' Cook ; Pat CullenSent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 11:21 PMSubject: January 12, 2011 - RESIDENT FORM MEET THE CANDIDATE MEETINGMr. Wagner, Election Committee,
Our community's Election Process was seriously damaged at the Resident Form "Meet the Candidate Meeting" last Wednesday. This could have been avoided if the McCanna/Bjonerud group would have been held accountable in the past. On January 26, 2009 I brought to the attention of the Board the blatant case of Electioneering by a small group of residents in control of the Residents Form/Concerned Citizens and publications The Sun City News You Can Use/The Village Voice and the use of US Mail to attempt to win votes in an election by being insincere, unscrupulous and slanderous against their fellow neighbors. These blatant acts are in direct violations of our governing documents that the Board has the responsibility to uphold. Again on Wednesday, October 14, 2009 I registered three Complaints to the Board, complaint #3 dealing with Electoral fraud. The Board chose to ignore this formal complaint therefore violating all of Sun City's home-owners rights and are in violation of the Master By-Laws, NRS 116 and Federal Laws.
Fred, these violations against the homeowners must be rectified thats why I am bringing this matter to your attention. If in the future I can be of any assistance do not hesitate to give me a call.Tuesday, February 02, 20109:06 AM(c) No member or group of members, whether or not sponsored by a chartered club, or any other person or persons, shall so conduct themselves in or on Association property so as to jeopardize the rights and privileges of other Association members,
Dwain A. Kramzar
From: Dwain Kramzar
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 8:57 AM
To: RonW@SUNCITYLV.COM; Allan Baer/IT;; 'Cook, Orin "Bud" ';; Ken Caroccia;
Marilyn LeVasseur; Pat Cullen; Richard Post
Cc: Sun City Summerlin-Blog
Mr. Ron Winkle, ED
Mr. Richard Post, President
Board of Directors, Sun City SummerlinOn January 26, 2009 I sent a letter outlining a blatant case of ELECTIONEERING to Mr. Barry Goldman who chaired the Election Committee w/Cc: to the BoD ( Mr. BarryGoldman promptly responded with a letter dated January 28, 2009 ( ) acknowledging receipt of my correspondence that states "the intention and purpose of this
correspondence is to go on written record...." I have Cc: this correspondence to the Board. Although the damage has already been done; it is President Post and the Board's responsibility to rectify this type of
conduct by replacing the Officers of the Residents Form this would send a loud message that this kind of conduct is not tolerated by any special interest group. As a Candidate and a homeowner of this Association I would appreciate a written response telling me how the Board will handle this matter. As of June 27, 2009 the Board has chosen to ignore the actions of a relatively small group that has gained control over our Sun City Committee's.This cabal not only has control over who serves on committee's, but also through their position as officers of the Residents Form and two News Letters and a Chat Line that distorts Sun City information. They take it upon themselves to indorse political candidates and degrade the candidates they do not indorse. I realize the Board has D&O coverage; however Mr. Winkle has the professional responsibility to advise
the Board when there is a possible violation of State and Federal Laws including electioneering. The "Sun City News You Can Use" publication gathered their distribution list from sign up sheets at the Residents Form meetings, and then turned them over to a professional Email Marketing Company. The "Village Voice" on the other hand ditto's the Board and goes on to state it's not for debate of an issue-only the facts as the Editor sees them????Please remove this cancer from our Sun City community,
Dwain Kramzar
2624 High Range Dr.
Dwain A. Kramzar
Dwain A. Kramzar
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