Monday, January 26, 2009


Dwain A. Kramzar

2624 High Range Dr.

Las Vegas, NV 89134


Barry Goldman
10637 Shoalhaven Dr
Las Vegas, NV 89134

Mr. Goldman;

The intention and purpose of this correspondence is to go on written record with no reflection on the Election Committee that you chair. The Election Committee had a Candidates orientation meeting explaining the election procedure here in Sun City. One procedure explained was the Meet the Candidates meetings that we would be attending. The question I had at that time was, would these Meet the Candidates meetings be used for picking a slate of recommended Candidates? Your answer was “absolutely not” however individually a person could express their own choice; I have no problem with people thinking for themselves.

As a Candidate I attended all three “Meet the Candidates” meetings hosted by The Resident Form and Concerned Residents led by Bjonerud/McCanna/Beers/Conrath. They required information for our opening three minute statements as follow.

The Agenda & Instructions I received from Sheila McCanna stated;
"The candidates will have been asked, and will be asked again, to answer the following questions in their 3-minute opening statements".

              o Do you regularly go to Board and/or Committee meetings?
              o Have you attended an annual Budget Preparation meeting?
              o Have you served on any of our Committees and for how long?
              o If elected what Committee would you want to Chair? Why?
              o What are the most serious issues to resolve in Sun City and how can you contribute to their solution

Here is the problem: Bjonerud/McCanna used their position as officers of “Meet the Candidates” meetings not only to recommend their choice of Candidates but also to defame two of the Candidates me being one, using their two News Letters and Chat Lines; this is a blatant case of electioneering.

I will Cc: this correspondence to the Board. Although the damage has already been done; it is President Post and the BoD’s responsibility to rectify this type of conduct by replacing the Officers of the Residents Form which sends a loud message that this kind of conduct is not tolerated by any special interest group. As a Candidate and a homeowner of this Association I would appreciate a written response telling me how the BoD’s will handle this matter.

Dwain Kramzar

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