Friday, December 17, 2010

CH 13 Hall of Shame Candidate

Dear Ms. Darcy Spears,

My name is Dwain Kramzar and I am a twelve year member/homeowner in Sun City Summerlin HOA. Like most residents my wife and I moved here for the retirement lifestyle as provided in Sun City's governing documents. However,  shortly after moving here a small political group formed and took control of our HOA by dominating the committee's, therefore, gaining control of our management, communications, finances and elections.

 The reason I am writing you this letter is because our thirteen thousand  Sun City seniors need CH 13 and your help to expose a Blackmail/Extortion Letter sent to the Board of Directors, by this small politically group, leading to the removal of President David Stienman (former LV City Councilman) and they now have complete control of our HOA.

Ms. Spears,  below is a LINK to the August 31, 2010 Blackmail/Extortion Letter delivered to the Board of Directors by this small political group.

Thank you in advance for your concentration,

Dwain A. Kramzar
2624 High Range Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89134


TO CANDIDATES: LeVasseur, Cullen, Bachman, Cook, Beers  

QUESTION: If an investigation would implement you as an co-conspirator with the August 31, 2010 Blackmail/Extortion Letter sent to the SCSCAI Board


Dwain A. Kramzar - Resident Home-owner

Monday, December 13, 2010

Accountability is the Essential component of Governance

Accountability is a concept in ethics and governance with several meanings, the lack of accountability is the common denominator associated with SCSCAI's management and Board oversight failures.  Accountability can not exist without proper accounting practices, in other words absence of accounting means absence of accountability.


Dwain A. Kramzar 

Friday, December 10, 2010

City Directors are indemnified --- members at large are not.

Bob  Passmonick: Bob, I think it is extremely important to focus on two things, Blackmail/Extortion & Accountability. If SCSCAI Home-owner's, for the last ten years, would have been properly informed of the actions of Stan's Clan and held them accountable our Sun City retirement community would not be in the sad shape, socially and financially, that it is. These conditions came about when Bjonerud/McCanna were allowed to put a strangle hold on Sun City's communications, therefore propagandizing our information, this led to community apathy.

Any actions that need to be taken MUST be by and for our Sun City Community Home-owners, this is not an individual effort. We need informed Home-owners to unite, organize information then contact proper regulatory agency's, there is strength in numbers. Time is important, we have a short few weeks before the 2011 Board election.   

Dwain A. Kramzar


--- In, BobEmInc@... wrote:

Dwain Kramzar & Bernie Silver  -  Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What I refer to with the finally above, is the fact that I hear finally that someone has mentioned taking the issues here in Sun City Summerlin further, explicitly to the authorities.   What has been discussed regarding what Stan Bjonerud was said to be involved with, if not pushed to the extreme, will only as has been the case before, have the same parties think they got away scott free, and then go on to possibly repeat their atrocious act.

  My best to both of you and I am always available to discuss the issues noted!


                                                                         Bob  Passmonick

Re: Sun City Directors are indemnified --- members at large are not.

Bernie, the  "Business Judgment Rule".doesn't pertain to Blackmail/Extortion. Blackmail/Extortion is better defined under the RICO Act, therefore, does not provide any protection to the Board of Directors.

 In response to Stan Bjonerud's Email dated Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 7:59am defending and justifying the Blackmail/Extortion Letter sent to SCSCAI Board I pointed out to Stan that I find his defense and justification of these actions troublesome particularly page 4 of "THE LETTER" is a blatant case of extortion and blackmail by  the unlawful demanding and obtaining of something through force by the signers Richard Post --Ed Walterscheid ------Frank Beers, Jim Flynn, Bernard  Bronstein, Gary Conrath

 "THE LETTER" has all the qualifications to be covered under The RICO Act. I am amazed that Stan and the signers would let themselves be involved in such an activity. Another troublesome matter is Stan's justification of their actions, by saying "in accordance with NRS 226 guidelines and regulations". (What is Stan talking about?) Maybe Stan should carefully reread "THE LETTER" particularly page 4.

The fact that four members of the Board (LaVaseur, Culen, Bachman, Cook) by not revealing  "THE LETTER" then removing President Stienman and appointing two of the signers of  "THE LETTER" (Flynn & Beers) has the appearance of a conspiracy, this is also covered under the The RICO Act.

This group of conspirators has never been held accountable for their actions. Now is the time to form a group of home-owners to expose their actions to the proper authorities and CH 13 HOA Hall of Shame program, I am available. Stan's Clan has to be held accountable if there is any hope of SCSCAI having an honest and fair 2011 Election.

Dwain A. Kramzar
2624 High Range Dr.

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 7:15 PM, Bernard Silver <> wrote:

 During the past few days I have been reminded by several Association members, that members of
 the Sun City Summerlin Board of Directors are indemnified if they unwittingly break the law. 
 Also, I have been reminded that this protection, via an Insurance Policy, which we association
 members pay for, is augmented in general, by the Board of Directors, Covering their Rears 
 by using the commercial standard known as the "Business Judgment Rule". (check it on Google)
 If we didn't have these protective provisions in our governing documents, it is unlikely that any person
would serve the community.
Within the conversations that I have had with some fellow association members, the situation of 
Sheila McCanna, a licensed real estate agent, who, in my opinion, should have higher ethical standards, and Stan Bjonerud, the owner publisher of The Village Voice made a written  "Blackmail Attempt" dated August 19, 2010 whereby they sent a Memorandum to all Board members and others, threatening, with details, to disclose some personal details of some association individuals, staff and directors, unless the Board declined to follow the lead of President\Director Steinman in removing the Exec
Dir from office.  The Board ignored this attempt of blackmail. 
Now the critical issues that I am being questioned on are:
1. Why didn't the Board report the attempt of Blackmail to the appropriate law enforcement
2. Because all members of the Board are elected by the Association members, this Blackmail
    attempt was in reality an offense against the orderly conduct of business for the benefit of
    SC Association members.  As such, the key question that surfaces is whether it is reasonable
   and practical for a lay Sun City Summerlin Association member to do what the Board failed to
   do and have some impact in preventing this type of breaching of our civil laws?
3.  It appears clear that in this particular incident, Sheila McCanna and Stan Bjonerud, in their
     attempts to run this Common Interest Community as they see fit, without serving on the Board, 
     have exceeded their rights and intruded on those of others.  As such, they are in the same
     position as Board Directors.  They will not be indemnified from any legal expenses if
     litigation becomes a fact and as I understand from counsel at this date I\we do not have any
     problems relating to 'Statute of Limitations'.
I am available for any discussions, private or on this SC-Buzz chatline that are targeted to be
for the benefit of this community and the elimination of any similar incidents. 
Bernard Silver

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Mr. Silver, in a lot less words what you are pointing out is the lack of ACCOUNTABILITY. Accountability is a concept in ethics and governance with several meanings, the lack of accountability is the common denominator associated with SCSCAI's management and Board oversight failure.  Accountability can not exist without proper accounting practices, in other words absence of accounting means absence of accountability.


Dwain Kramzar 

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 8:33 AM, Bernard Silver <> wrote:
Mr. Alitt,

In any entity such as this CIC, where we do not have a clearly defined "Management System" including very tightly defined Standard Operating Procedures for Purchasing, there is room for mischief\dishonesty.

Many years ago, I and Fred Schaefer investigated a situation regarding the procurement of "Bed Blade Grinders".
With our combined engineering and hands on machinery background it didn't take us long to "kill" a Purchase
Order for the last of three units that had been ordered because A. the funding was in the Reserves and B. a relatively incompetent (my words) staff member convinced the Finance Committee\Board of the need.  Our examination and consultation with the manufacturer revealed that the machines had a virtual indefinate lifespan and spare parts were available.  The brutal fact was that the operator didn't know how to use the equipment correctly.

When we asked as to what had happened to the two units that had already been replaced we, received very very vague and unacceptable answers.   As a qualified 'tool and die maker' I would bet anything that 2 units were removed from our property that were in no need to be replaced.  Our calculations showed that only one unit was needed for three golf courses and that one could do all that was necessary in two, 40 hour weeks.   The prime moving staff member left shortly thereafter.  Needless to say but I will, with the changing of Directors every year and with Executive Directors who have no understanding of the hardware of our amenities, it is easy to have such incidents .... think of the latest.....  POOP in the swimming pools that they were unaware of.  Lack of communications .... lack of a Management System.

Bernard Silver

Monday, December 6, 2010

SCSCAI 12/6/2010 Board of Directors Meeting

In reference to Agenda Items six & seven:

Director, Ken Caroccia:
I attended todays Board meeting as an interested home-owner in our Sun City community. As you know I was a candidate for the Board in the past. Let me assure you I never had any ambitions to be involved in SCSCAI politics, this was the only choice I had to focus attention on the unconventional business practices under the direction of past Management.
Ken, it's my understanding that a committee that you head up is in charge of straighting out this mess. I would like to bring to your attention a couple of background items leading up to the Summit Restaurant lease arrangement. First of all my forty-five year business background included leases with Bars & Restaurants among other activities.

  1. During search time for a quality lease operator for the Summit Restaurant I was made aware that a top Brand  restaurant operator showed interest in the Summit property and contacted Joe Kelley (SCSCAI Business Manager), Joe Kelley would not give him the courtesy of a  return the phone call.
  2. Prior to the Chef's Pantry I was given a draft of their lease for my review, there are no delicate words to describe this incompetent wordy document, what is more problematic, is who in their right mind would sign such a lease? This business arrangement was doomed to fail from the start.

  Ken, if you need any verification of the above or if I can be of any assistance to you do not hesitate to give me a call.

Dwain Kramzar
2624 High Range Dr