Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Bob, how refreshing, in the 12 years I have lived in this HOA you are the second elected director that displays the willingness to listen to the resident home-owners. FYI my background is somewhat different that most folks in our community I did not come from a corporate mentality, by that I mean my company and I was responsible to my family and various regulatory agencies only. My style of management was common sense observation and to look for the questions that need to be asked. My business discipline was guided by a monthly P&L rather that a yearly Budget, maybe this explains why I feel the need for an independent professional Business Plan and not try to invent a new wheel.

Yearly Budgets are a projection of hopeful numbers pertaining to revenues and expenses, sort of a “mark to market” approach in stating income values. Monthly P&L statements represent actual numbers needed in creating a basis for timely decision making.

Bob, as I stated in the past I did not retire to Nevada to become a politician or start a new career. Again, I want to offer you and our community my full support.


From: BobdeDoelder@aol.com [mailto:BobdeDoelder@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 8:49 AM
To: DKramzar@embarqmail.com

Dear Dwaine,  Thank you for your support.  I had always planned on seeking your opinions and suggestions and will do so when we formally begin the process of planning later in May after the Finance Committee and Board have concluded the current budget work.  Please stay tuned.  I look forward to talking one on one with you.  Bob

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