Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Thanks Director Robey

Mr. Robey;

I am sending you a special thanks for your assistance presenting my request for the Golf/Food & Beverage Business Plans at the August 31, 2009 Board meeting. I am disappointed but not surprised to the fact there are no Plans, just Summaries of plans that do not exist. Now it is apparent why there has been reluctance to disclose these plans by the Board & Management.

It is absolutely necessary to move forward, restablish creditibility and eliminate the $6,500.00 per day drain on our Sun City Community by implementing a Standard Business Plan complete with a monthly P&L/Balance Statement. The "Three Buckets of Money Strategy" has been a disaster


If I can be of any assistance to you in the future, do not hesitate to give me a call.

Thanks again,

Dwain Kramzar

2624 High Range Dr.




Mr. Robey;

I along with many other Sun City Residents are concerned about the growing Business Losses amounting over $2mil yearly in LOSSES. Mr. Winkel, the associations Ex Director, presented his Fy2010 Summary of a Business Plan at the January Budget & Business Plan meeting. I requested a copy of this plan from Mr. Winkel, ED and Mr. Baer in a email to the Board July 8th. This request was ignored by Mr. Winkel and Mr. Baer.

At the August 17 2009 Board Meeting I petitioned the Board to enter my two page request into the minutes of the meeting. I still have not had a response.

Mr. Robey due the resistance shown by Mr. Post, Mr. Winkel and Mr. Baer, I would appreciate you placing my request on the August 31, 2009 Board of Directors Meeting agenda.

Thanks in advance for your help in this matter,

Dwain Kramzar

2624 High Range Dr.




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