Tuesday, July 7, 2009

FW: Sun City News You Can Use

Mr. Post;

Board of Directors;


For the Record: If it walks like a Duck and talks like a Duck it must be  ELECTIONEERING! Follow the yellow highlights. It’s time to let the Sun City residents to think for themselves.


I am adding this information to the rest of my correspondences you have chosen to ignore. http://daksplace.blogspot.com/search/label/Letters%20to%20the%20Board





Dwain Kramzar

2624 High Range Dr.





May 20, 2009 


 Sheila McCanna                                             sheilamc@cox.net



 Dear Friends:


It's late and I'm tired but I must get this information out to you right now because so many of you want to Vote Early and are e-mailing me and calling me for my recommendation for the WARD FOUR CITY COUNCIL SEAT!


Have you had enough of the mailings?  I have.  Don't you wonder about the amount of money being spent?  The position is a "part-time" job with a full-time commitment.  Larry Brown, who occupied this seat for 8 years before becoming our County Commissioner, set a standard for the office; one of commitment, class, service and honesty.  I didn't agree with him on every issue-heck-at this writing I don't agree with some of my past opinions on issues.  Hopefully, we all grow smarter, learn from our mistakes (I like to say, because you make a mistake it doesn't mean you ARE a Mistake!).  Midnight rambling.


I Strongly Endorse Glenn Trowbridge and recommend and boldly ask you to VOTE for Glenn.  He is highly respected by all those who will be working with our new City Councilman.  His Integrity has only been questioned in "hit" pieces sent by un-named people who accuse Glenn Trowbridge of being a "Puppet in the Pocket of Powerful Union Bosses".  This is such a stupid fabrication that no one who has even had a brief

acquaintance with Glenn would believe it.  I know Glenn Trowbridge and I know this to be a lie. 


 Further, you have read (on these awful mailers) that a new City Hall would cost YOU, as the Taxpayer, money!  Redevelopment doesn't cost you a dime - not one dime.  IN FACT:

It brings the City major amounts of Tax dollars from the new businesses that fund the development of new buildings and renovations of whole blighted areas, and....the intelligent Redevelopment Plans will bring several thousand jobs to our residents in the building industry who ARE NOT CURRENTLY EMPLOYED because of the downturn in our economy.  Once buildings are up and running, thousands of new jobs will be available for the many other currently unemployed residents of our community!  A City without a good Redevelopment Plan is a dying City!  The plan currently available for you to study is not a good plan - it's a terrific, intelligent plan that will benefit our City in future years.  A City must plan for many years out-it's one of the major responsibilities of City Officials and managers!!!


I am sickened by the willingness of the backers of the other Candidate to lie and to mislead the public who are all too willing (it seems lately) to believe such fabrication. 


Both Mayor Oscar Goodman and Commissioner Larry Brown, who will be working closely with the new City Councilman, support Glenn Trowbridge...Strongly! Previously I told you we had two "good" candidates and suggested you learn about them and make up your own mind.  Well, I no longer think we have "two good candidates" - I believe we have one OUTSTANDING Candidate.


I implore you to not only Vote for Glenn but to speak with your friends and neighbors and ask them to vote for Glenn.  Most people have not plugged in to this election; at least judging from the number of calls and e-mails I have received.  So, please don't be shy.

Copy this newsletter or use the direction at the bottom to Forward it. Please share it with everyone.  It's scares me to think how many people will be fooled by the negative fliers. 


The Ward Four City Council Seat has a direct relationship with Sun City Summerlin.  Who answers that phone or e-mail when you voice your opinions or ask for attention or support really does matter to us. 


I've gone on enough.  I cannot close without thanking David Steinman  who has been ably filling the responsibilities of this seat since the beginning of the year.  How lucky we are to have him on our current Board of Directors, leading ARC, and heaven knows what else he is deeply involved in here in Sun City.  How knowledgeable and fair, patient and sensible a man he is.  We have quite a few people, in the manner of David Steinman, who stand tall in their service to our community.  They get little thanks but a lot of grousing. 


That's it!  *A brief note to Kitec owners below. 

 May you each enjoy a lovely May day today.   I hope you say "I love you" to several people who share your life.  If you meet someone who doesn't have a smile-give him/her one of yours. 


Warmest best and a special Thank you to those of you who ask at least 5 people to vote for Glenn Trowbridge.


Sheila McCanna




A note to Kitec owners:  Just a little more patience.  The Court Hearing scheduled for yesterday is re-scheduled another week. It looks like some headway may be in our favor with some who were opposed to the current settlement language so the daly may be a good thing.  I will update you as soon as I hear from the attorneys - hopefully by next Friday.  If no one files an objection to the Del Webb settlement it is possible that some re-plumbs will be started and a partial payment will be in the works for those who have re-plumbed out of their own pocket and who are waiting anxiously for reimbursement.  I'll let you know as soon as I know. 


Sheila McCanna


Don't forward this newsletter unless you go to the bottom and follow the directions!! 


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