I understand that you and your clan are very comfortable with the Status Quo situation here in Sun City; however burying your head in the sand does not remove the problems that your ways of the past have produced. By the way who made you the spokesman for our Sun City Community?
I am well aware you resist Change; that's why your statement "But is the wholesale change you appear to be promoting, as if everything here was in chaos, is nuts and disruptive" explains your inability to comprehend our governing documents. My wholesale changes you are resting are a Business Plan, Common Sense governance, Communication/Transparency, "The Good Life" lifestyle.
Stan, now who is NUTS & DISRUPTIVE? Keep on talking,
Dwain Kramzar
-----Original Message-----
From: sbj4 []
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2009 8:55 AM
To: 'Dwain Kramzar'
Cc: 'Sheila McCanna'; Stan Bjonerud
· The Committees or the Board are resident groups who review issues, proposals or whatever and recommend by their vote of what direction to follow. The actual running or execution is by our Executive Director.
· They have done a admirable job over the years and along with a great and stable Staff have given us a well managed community. Can changes be made, of course, as improvements are always available to any operation. But is the wholesale change you appear to be promoting, as if everything here was is chaos, is nuts and disruptive.
· A “rock thrower” is one or several who chronically complain and attack other residents, and in several past cases - employees, yet contribute nothing positive to the leadership of the community. One of you main supporters posts his personal criticism of our community to the outside Press and other HOA’s. Surely you can’t agree with this action? What say you on this?
· I credit, compliment and thank Robey, Gelbman and you for stepping forward as I do with all of the other candidates. I don’t agree with you, but you want to help the community and that is needed.
· What rock have I thrown other than to recommend my views on who the best candidates running for the board may be?
· You don’t have a track record here, that I know of, as you have not participated with any Committee or Community Organization. Yes, you claim you wanted to join a Committee but were not accepted. Maybe you should have tried to join a different Committee or even Charities or the Residents Forum. Do you know that we have to beg residents to join in administrating these groups as no one will step forward? The Directors of the Residents Forum are on their third year as no one volunteers. I have participated on several Committees, started the first chat line, managed the startup of the SCSCAI Website, started the IT Committee along with being President of a Club several times. I regularly go to Board meeting where I have never seen you until the last meeting. What have you done for the community to be so proud of to state you track record is so good?
· The Residents Forum and the Directors of the Residents Forum were fair, unbiased to all candidates and recommend no candidate.
· If you call telling the folks that you have had no experience in our community leadership or a lack of knowledge on issues, example the tree issue where you fumbled all over the place on the Meet the Candidates, “defaming” – so be it.
· Calling the sending an email message and posting a Newsletter to some residents who a group (the Concerned Residents) support and don’t recommend is “blatant electioneering” is beyond belief. What country have you been living in?
· I have a right to express my views just as you do.
As I stated – get involved – join a committee, etc. and get known to the residents before you run for the board.
From: Dwain Kramzar []
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 10:29 PM
To: 'sbj4'
Cc: 'Sheila McCanna'; Sun City Summerlin-Blog;
It is apparent that you don't agree there is a need for CHANGE; then you must agree with my STATUS-QUO points; (Sun City Summerlin-BLOG) . It is also apparent your group strongly believe in running our Sun City by committee; the problem with your position is that day to day operations should be run under Professional Management with oversight of the Board of Directors. As far as my views being distorted by rock throwers, Stan, you and your small group is the only rock throwers I know. Stan, I would like to compare your track record with mine; anytime anyplace.
As a Candidate I attended all three “Meet the Candidates” meetings hosted by The Resident Form and Concerned Residents led by Bjonerud/McCanna/Beers/Conrath. They required information for our opening three minute statements as follow, in other words they wanted us to play by their rules.
The Agenda & Instructions I received from Sheila McCanna stated;
"The candidates will have been asked, and will be asked again, to answer the following questions in their 3-minute opening statements".
o Do you regularly go to Board and/or Committee meetings?
o Have you attended an annual Budget Preparation meeting?
o Have you served on any of our Committees and for how long?
o If elected what Committee would you want to Chair? Why?
o What are the most serious issues to resolve in Sun City and how can you contribute to their solution
Here is the problem: You and your group used your position as officers of “Meet the Candidates” meetings not only to recommend your choice of Candidates but also to defame two of the Candidates me being one, using their two News Letters and Chat Lines; this is a blatant case of electioneering. (Sun City Summerlin-BLOG)
There are too many interest protection the same old turf!
Dwain Kramzar
-----Original Message-----
From: sbj4 []
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 11:14 AM
To: 'Dwain Kramzar'
Cc: Sheila McCanna
Dwain: I don’t agree with many of your points, but the presentation was nicely prepared. If not elected, I sincerely hope you join a committee, any committee or the Residents Forum, so next time you run you will have this experience. This is the main point I have against your candidacy as you do not demonstrate a knowledge of the residents working for the community or the issues. Most of your views are distorted by listening to the few rock throwers.
Incidentally, Sheila and I as Officers of the Resident Forum have conducted ourselves in the name of the Residents Forum independent of our personal political views. The RF held two Meet the Candidate events and I don’t think you can point to any transgression or unfairness. The same is true of the Concerned Residents event as you all had a chance to speak, mingle and talk to the attendees.
What either of us do or who we support is our right as residents.
Sheila – follow the BLOG Link.
Stan Bjonerud
From: Dwain Kramzar []
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 2:59 AM
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