Saturday, November 29, 2014

Re: Sun City Summerlin Executive Director Position

Steve, these are excellent questions. It would be reasonable to think that the BOD asked these same questions of the HR director that are readily available in the SCSCAI Employment Application and HR decision report. 

 Surely the BOD doesn't want to make the same mistake they made in the past by selecting a non qualified resident for the position of Executive Director. This previously bad decision ended up costing the Sun City home-owners thousands of $$ in termination fees. Also this set up the precedence for the hundreds of thousands of termination & Legal fees that followed.    

(702) 582-8064

On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 7:30 AM, SCommander <> wrote:
Sun City Summerlin BOD

Myself and other Sun City Summerlin residents discussed your note in the December LINK magazine on page 28 that states, "The Board of Directors unanimously approved a motion to ratify the offer to Ms. Sue Papilion of the permanent position of executive director at the annual salary of $120,000." We congratulate Ms. Papilion on her new position but have several question we would like you to answer.

1- How was the salary of $120,000 determined by the BOD? Why not $130,000? Why not $90,000?

2- What are the specific Sun City Summerlin requirements for the job of executive director?

3- What specific qualifications does Ms. Papilion have to justify her having the job? of executive director

4- What were the job qualifications for the past two executive directors and why are they no longer at that position?

5- What were the salaries of the past two executive directors since you noted Ms. Papilion will be receiving $120,000?

Thank you in advance

Steve Commander, Sun City Summerlin resident

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