Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Feb. 5, 2013 SCSCAI BoD Meeting

I attended the February 5, 2013 Board meeting. There was mostly SCSCAI staff and a handful of home-owners. This prompted me to Blog my review of the agenda discussions in order to share with my fellow Sun City home-owners that are interested.

Review of agenda discussion:


Regarding the status of the Gaming Contract; this discussion has been ongoing for several months. In the the past I commented on SCSCAI 1/8/20013 BoD Meeting/Agenda XI-8 I had concerns then and more so now. (see Link above) I would not have shared my concerns and experiences, with the Board at that time, if there wasn't an appearance of wrong doing.

At the Feb. 5th, meeting there was again another discussion by several Directors expressing the Gaming Company's concerns and welfare, very unusual. Comments made by the Directors were; shortening the Vista Grill's hours, placement of machines and the Gaming Company's worry regarding possible ordinance changes. All this discussion is all well and good, however, this does not have anything to do with the default of a lease. The longer things drag out the worse it is for SCSCAI. This is a perfect example of "Solutions Looking For A Problem"

(Pgs. 8 -13) 
Reporting by one of the SCSCAI employees, explained the reason for the difference of $17,812 between the rescinded J&J Enterprises contract and the Langston Concrete contracts is due to an SCSCAI employee measurement of concrete used in the J&J contract. No Board member questioned how Langston Concrete could be held responsible for a SCSCAI employee's measurements used in the contract. I also noted that the J&J contract was passed on November 7,2012 three months prior and that No Backup was provided. It appears the SCSCAI bidding system has been modified for some unknown reason.    

1.  Motion to rescind the approval of expending $44,000 with J&J Enterprises  Action 
for the concrete and sidewalk replacement at Mountain Shadows club area 
and  community standards area that was passed on  November 7,2012. (RFP #13-12) 
(No Backup) 
2.  Motion to approve the emergency expenditure of $61 ,812.00 with  Langston Concrete  Action for the concrete and sidewalk replacement at Mountain Shadows club area and community standards area.  (RFP #13-15)

Cc: Sue Papillion, SCSCAI President

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