Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Gaming Contract from the Gaming Vendor's perspective

Gaming Contract from the Gaming Vendor's perspective.
by Dwain Kramzar

 This perspective is derived from my forty-five years of negotiating hundreds of  Vendor contracts, both written and oral, with Bars & Pubs.(Sales) These contracts are an agreement entered into voluntarily by the Vendor and the Location with the intention of creating a profitable partnership.

Typically these partnerships are revenue sharing relationships (set % of revenues) this is were the Vendor agrees to supply the equipment, maintenance and service, the Location provides the floor space. This arrangement is the most beneficial to both the Vendor and the Location. Reasoning: 1. timely rotation of newer equipment 2. greater  promotional opportunities to increase revenues 3. a better quality of service and maintenance 4. performance based revenues; the more money the Vendor makes, the more money the Location makes.    

Another agreement would be where the Vendor leases floor space from the Location for a flat fee per month/year. The flat fee would be to the Vendor's advantage; reasoning being 1. the Vendor has knowledge of typical income from this type Location. 2. the Location normally receives less income compared to an revenue sharing arrangement. 3. the equipment has a longer Location life-span (less rotation of equipment, less appealing to players).

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