Friday, May 13, 2011

conversation prior to the 5/9/11 BoD meeting

Mr. Joe O'Connell SCSCAI President,
Joe, after studying your reply to our conversation we had before the 5/9/11 BoD meeting I got the impression you did not understand that my intentions were only to ask the Board to revisit my July 1, 2010 registered complaint sent to Ron Winkel-ED, SCSCAI Board and Joe Kelley-Director of Golf. This complaint was met with silence and ignored. As far as your other remarks, I have taken the time to make some minor corrections in [brackets]. I would be interested in seeing the Associations files associated with this and my adjoining neighbors complaints; this would clear up any differences of facts shown in the photos. 

Joe, if you require any other clarifications of facts do not hesitate to give me a call.  

Dwain A. Kramzar-SCSCAI member
2624 High Range Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89134

---------- Re: message ----------
From: Joseph P. O'Connell <>
Date: Wed, May 11, 2011 at 7:11 AM
Subject: RE: conversation prior to the 5/9/11 BoD meeting
To: Dwain Kramzar <>
Cc: David Steinman <>, DON GELBMAN <>, "Ellen C. Bachman" <>, Ken Caroccia <>, Marilyn LeVasseur <>, Sue Papilion <>, Joe Kelly <>, My Sun City Summerlin-Blog <>, Barbara Cogar <>

Mr. Kramzar:  During our conversation I said that the tee boxes were not pointed at your house. [your exact words were "I'm very familiar with the HF course & the t-boxes were changed & squared off to point to the center poll in the center of the fairway" in other words I didn't know what I am talking about] I also said that we were not ignoring your complaint.  It had been adjudicated the prior year.  Joe O [by definition of adjudicated the Board has extended it's powers to include those outlined below]  


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Adjudication is the legal process by which an arbiter or judge reviews evidence andargumentation including legal reasoning set forth by opposing parties or litigants to come to a decision which determines rights and obligations between the parties involved. Three types of disputes are resolved through adjudication:

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:dkramzar@gmail.comOn Behalf Of Dwain Kramzar
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 4:05 PM
To: Joe O'Connell
Cc: David Steinman; DON GELBMAN; Ellen C. Bachman; Ken Caroccia; Marilyn LeVasseur; Sue Papilion; Joe Kelly; My Sun City Summerlin-Blog; Barbara Cogar
Subject: conversation prior to the 5/9/11 BoD meeting

Mr. Joe O'Connell, SCSCAI President, GOC- Chairman

Per our conversation prior to the 5/9/11 BoD meeting regarding alignment of T-boxes on the fourth hole of Highland Falls. As you see in the attached HighlandFalls4t.jpg there was no modification to the 4th T-boxes as you insisted, Ref Winkel/Kelley High Land Falls Errant Golf Ball Study July 2010.  I have attached below a copy of my response to 8/16/10 Board's irresponsible ignoring of their responsibility to the health and welfare of this HOA's members. Section 2 of this document is an aerial overview of the 4th fairway on Highland Falls Golf Course that makes it clear to see why this problem exists and that Mr. Winkel's Golf Staff's recommendations were not a responsible solution.

 Joe, as I stated today, my intentions are to ask the Board to revisit my July 1, 2010 registered complaint sent Ron Winkel-ED, SCSCAI Board and Joe Kelley-Director of Golf, this complaint was met with silence and ignored. 

Reference documents Links:  

Joe, denial that a problem exists never can be the solution and will prove to be the most costly for the Association. Hopefully after the examination of these documented facts the Board will consider rectifying these conditions.

I would appreciate a reply.

Dwain A. Kramzar -Member #11629000
702.838.5049" target="_blank" value="+17028385049">702.838.5049

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