Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Importance of an Inspiring Vision"

Importance of an Inspiring Vision
According to a Japanese proverb, "Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."

 Sun City Summerlin residents witnessed a nightmare at the October 18th SCSCAI Board meeting by the political overthrow of our Board and Management.  small political group took control of our HOA by dominating the committee's, therefore, gaining control of our management, communications, finances and elections resulting in the removal of President Stienman; thus fulfilling their blackmail threats to President Stienman.

This self-serving group fail to display a Vision of the future for this retirement community, only their desire to control our Board, Management and finances. The ten year track record of this self-serving group has produced millions of dollars in losses monetized by the home-owners dues.

Homeowner's invested in Sun City Summerlin with a Vision of a retirement lifestyle not the confusion and expenses brought on by this small self-serving political group. Think for yourself, remember your Vision, demand a leadership with your Vision.

Dwain A.  Kramzar
2624 High Range Dr.

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