Friday, February 12, 2010

Business Operations Manager, Joe Kelley

Sun City 9'ers
Friday, February 12, 2010
8:16 AM
Mr. Tony Chiodini, President, Sun City 9'ers;

My name is Dwain Kramzar, I am a fellow 9'er and a Candidate for the Sun City Board. Thursday February 11,2010 I attended the 9'ers luncheon meeting where  Business Operations Manager, Joe Kelley gave a talk encouraging the attendees not to vote for four candidates that he stated were against the golfers. I confronted Mr. Kelley by asking "who are these four Candidates and was he referring to me?" Mr. Kelley would not reply and ended his talk shortly after. For the record; I am pro Sun City, I am pro golf, I live on Highland Falls golf course and I have blogged my positions regarding Sun City Summerlin for all to view; all I ask is to use Common Sense and  think for your self. 

My criticism of Mr. Kelley's actions are not meant to reflect unfavorable on the 9'ers.  I believe a public apology is in order from Mr. Kelley for his meddling in our election process by his false accusations. I will Cc: this correspondence to Mr. Kelley and the Board for their review at the February16th Board meeting .

Dwain Kramzar - Homeowner/9'er/Common Sense Candidate

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