There you go again, attempting to be the self-appointed Messiah for Sun City Homeowners. Stan, you are Sun City's problem, not the solution. For the written record I have highlighted and addressed your political propaganda. May I suggest, you let the Board & Candidates speak for themselves, this would solve a lot of problems.
- committee experience: Governance describes the overall management approach through which senior executives direct and control the entire organization, using a combination of management information and hierarchical management control structures. Governance activities ensure that critical management information reaching the executive team is sufficiently complete, accurate and timely to enable appropriate management decision making, and provide the control mechanisms to ensure that strategies, directions and instructions from management are carried out systematically and effectively. (there is no reference pertaining to committee experience).
- business plan: The Board and Management have repeatedly misled, deceived and lied to homeowner's regarding existence of a Business Plan for Sun City businesses creating well over $2,000,000 yearly losses for our community. At the August 31, 2009 Board meeting I petitioned the Board for the implantation of a Standard Business Plan for the Sun City Businesses after finding out that no such Plan existed. President Post has instructed Board members and Management (Mr. Winkel) not to respond to my correspondence and ignore issues that pertain to the existence of a Business Plan.
- negative crap: August 17, 2009 I petitioned the Board for the implantation of a Standard Business Plan, complete with a monthly P&L and Balance Statement that is mandatory business procedure. There has been a reluctance to produce a Business Plan by the BoD in the past, this includes the Executive Director (a non voting member of the Board).
- Finances are stable: Due to the lack of professional guidance by the Executive Director, this has cost our Sun City Community over $6,575.00 per day for a total exceeding $12,000,000.
- sitting at the feet of the great negative communicator: Stan, be assured I will never sit at your feet.
Stan, if I can be of any further assistance do not hesitate to give me a call,
Dwain Kramzar - Common Sense Candidate for the Board of Directors
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stan <>
Date: Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 6:28 AM
Subject: RE: Meet the Candidates Meeting - January 16-19
To: DAK <>
From: Stan <>
Date: Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 6:28 AM
Subject: RE: Meet the Candidates Meeting - January 16-19
To: DAK <>
Last year when you ran for the board you had no committee experience. It is the same this year. You criticize the "business plan" our management uses yet you have not gone to the Finance Committee meetings or the budget preparation meetings to learn how things are done. You don't have to be on the Committee to contribute as residents are allowed to participate.
The bottom line for most of us is dues have gone up only $78 in five years and all of the past budgets have been on target. Finances are stable and the place is beautifully maintained. The association is doing something right yet all you guys see in negative crap. Yes, golf is a problem and it's a problem the next board will address.
Too bad, because, if you have the small business experience you claim, you could be a good board member candidate. Suggest you join or go to committee meeting first and learn instead of sitting at the feet of the great negative communicator who sees no good in anything.
The Concerned Citizens support experience. You don't have it – yet. The Residents Forum support no one as I think you know.
Sorry for sounding off.
Stan Bjonerud
From: DAK []
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2010 6:33 PM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Meet the Candidates Meeting - January 16-19
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2010 6:33 PM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Meet the Candidates Meeting - January 16-19
Sun City Homeowners;
As a Candidate for the Board, I attended two of the three "Meet the Candidates" meeting hosted by the leaders of the RESIDENT FORM/CONCERNED CITIZENS group January 16-19. This relative small group's agenda is to Politicize Sun City's HOA and control the outcome of the Sun City ELECTION by defaming the good name and reputation of any of the Candidates that threatens their Political control over Sun City. This kind of misbehavior is totally unacceptably for our retierment community.
As I stated at Saturdays meeting "I did not move to Nevada to be an Amateur Politician". The reason for my Candidacy was the deception by the Board & Management, regarding existence of a Business Plan (THERE IS NO PLAN). For over one year its costing our Community millions of $$. I also stated that my Candidacy partly reached its goal when all the Candidates finally committed to a Business Plan in their goals.
The question is, will the Candidates honor their commitments? It's up to you the home-owners to hold the Candidates accountable for all their promises. The only way to do this is with the ballot box, SEND THEM A MESSAGE!
Share this message with your with your friends & neighbors'
by personal contact, telephone or e-mail
Thanks for your help,
Dwain Kramzar - Candidate for the Board
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