Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Request of the Board

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

7:34 AM

Sun City Board of Directors

Mr. Post, President

Mr. Winkel, ED

July 8th I requested a written copy of the 2010 Business Plan that the
Treasure Mr. Baer insisted was a matter of record. Mr. Baer acting as
spokesman for the Board responded by criticizing my request and
directed me to obtain copies from Mr. Robey, that I did. These copies
reflects that these are summaries not Business Plans, just as I said
to Mr. Baer. The $2mill LOSSES and mismanagement of Sun City
businesses can not be justified by a one page summary; where is the
accountability? (backup correspondence attached below)

Therefore I request this correspondence be read into the minutes of
the January 20th Sun City Board meeting. I also request the formation
of an independent Commission to apply the components of Business Plan
for an Established Business to the Sun City Business.

If I can be of assistance do not hesitate to give me a call,

Dwain Kramzar

2624 High Range Dr.



--- On Wed, 7/8/09, Dwain Kramzar <> wrote:

From: Dwain Kramzar <>

Subject: RE: Business Plan

To: "'Allan Baer'" <>, RonW@SUNCITYLV.COM, "'Allan
Baer/IT'" <>,, "'Cook, Orin "Bud"
'" <>,, "'Ken Caroccia'"
<>, "'Marilyn LeVasseur'" <>,
"'Pat Cullen'" <>, "'Richard Post'"

Cc: "'Sun City Summerlin-Blog'" <>,

Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 12:30 PM

Mr. Baer;

Let's cut to the chase! I do not understand why there is a resistance to a

Standard Business Plan by you & the management. FYI: my views have

absolutely nothing to do with a Standard Business Plan. As I stated before

"you have an opportunity to bring these LOSSES to a halt and it won't cost

the community one dime" this is a chance for you to do something great for

our community. The Business Plan conversation you refer to at the January

"Meet the Candidates" meeting was a mystery plan and has never been

published. It is impossible to be misleading about a hypothetical Business

Plan you referred to in my January 18th Email. In the future remember; "If

you ain't read it I ain't said it"

It's time to end the games & move forward,

Dwain Kramzar

2624 High Range Dr.


-----Original Message-----

From: Allan Baer []

Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 8:12 AM

To: 'Dwain Kramzar'; RonW@SUNCITYLV.COM; 'Allan Baer/IT';; 'Cook, Orin "Bud" ';; 'Ken Caroccia';

'Marilyn LeVasseur'; 'Pat Cullen'; 'Richard Post'

Cc: 'Sun City Summerlin-Blog';

Subject: RE: Business Plan

Mr. Kramzar,

At the Meet The Candidates Meeting last January you describe

what a business plan should look like in your view, I simply stated that

SCSCAI business plans were not in that format.

Since then another set has been generated, one by each

department head. Ron Winkel send out a set over four or five emails between

February 19th and the 23rd to the whole Board. Just as Robey for copies.

As you did in an email back on January 18th you are

misrepresenting what I said, please stop.

Allan Baer

"Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to

be real

must be unaffected by outside circumstances" Mahatma



From: Dwain Kramzar []

Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 12:44 AM

Subject: FW: Business Plan

Mr. Baer;

Sun City Board of Directors;

Mr. Baer, I am addressing this correspondence to you because

at the Meet The Candidates Meeting last January you insisted Sun City had a

Business Plan; however when asked directly to produce the written plan you

were hesitant and admitted the plan was not formal just a number of ideas.

Also last January you and I both attended Mr. Winkel's Budget & Business

Plan Meeting where he presented ten Department Summary's he labeled as

Business Plans. You and the other Board members didn't seem to have any

problems with these Summaries or the $2mil plus LOSSES. I and other Sun City

residents expressed the need for a Plan in the past only to be ignored. I

have attached a Business Plan for an Established Business


s.html> and highlighted some of the key components needed to have a

successful business operation. Allan, you have an opportunity to bring these

LOSSES to a halt and it won't cost the community one dime; please use your


<< File: Business Plan for an Established Business.docx >>

Sun City residents deserve to have the Lifestyle of an

efficient well run community.

Dwain Kramzar

2624 High Range Dr.


Posted by DAK at 1:33 PM 0 comments Links to this post

Labels: Business Plan, Letters to the Board

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