Wednesday, July 8, 2009

RE: Business Plan

Mr. Silver;

Your point #3 you said you had an opportunity to review the first cut of the Executive Director’s Business Plan that he presented to the Board. Mr. Baer stated Ron Winkel sent out a set over four or five emails between February 19th and the 23rd to the whole Board pertaining to sets of Business Plans. Question; are any Plans Mr. Baer mentions different that the ones presented at the January Budget & Business Plan meeting? These ten plans were Department Summaries not Business Plans. (Sunday, June 28, 2009 Business Plan & Market Share) (Monday, July 6, 2009 PLAN YOUR WORK-WORK YOUR PLAN)

Do you know if the plans that Mr. Baer talks about are posted?

Dwain Kramzar


-----Original Message-----
From: Bernard Silver []
Wednesday, July 08, 2009 1:33 PM
To: 'Allan Baer'; RonW@SUNCITYLV.COM; 'Allan Baer/IT';
Subject: RE: Business Plan

Dear Mr. Kramzar.

I believe it to be self evident that the following condition exist in Sun City Summerlin and they have a very depressing influence on prospective purchasers of properties in this community:

1. Cumulative losses from 2 supposedly self supporting businesses ....... greater than $2,000,000.

2. Current losses from these 2 businesses, prior to the moving of expenses to other activities ........ greater than $2,000,000 per year.

3. Either the Board, and or the Executive Director, do not have any understanding of a standard, normal, or workable BUSINESS PLAN, or they are deliberately not willing to prepare one for fear that with measured goals and time lines to which they may be measured they would be recognized to be less than 'businesslike'. I did get an opportunity to review the first cut at a Business Plan that the Exec Dir presented to the Board.

With my many years in the commercial for profit business world this effort was ludicrous. If I had presented something like that to any of my supervisors I would have been ejected and given a short time to come up with something suitable to take to the bank in order to apply for a business loan.

4. This Sun City Community is managed on the basis that it is impossible to declare bankruptcy ( a FACT) and that all losses can be covered by increasing Members Annual Dues, taxes on new owners via the New Owner Reserve Assessment, and of course with Special Assessments as we have had in the past, to a level of over $6,000,000.

5. The philosophy prevails that any losses, or costs, when divided by the 7,781 unit owners will be relatively small. That's how a $5,446,700 Special Assessment for Golf Reserves was implemented.

6. This Treasurer and most of his fellow Board Directors appear to be unwilling to resolve the severe financial problems and they get away with it. They show a Budget that has a small surplus at the end of the Fiscal Year. Few readers recognize that submerged in the Budget are the amounts of money to cover the losses with a little surplus. This FY 2010, taking into consideration the new era of shifting about $300,000 out of the Golf Operating Expenses the losses are estimated to be about $2,300,000.

As far as I'm concerned Mr. Kramzar, unless the Treasurer moves quickly to get a Business Plan implemented that is one that meets the normal standards, he and the Finance Committee members are doing a major disservice to this community and are heavily responsible for growing losses and some of the decreasing property values.

Bernard Silver

--- On Wed, 7/8/09, Dwain Kramzar <> wrote:

From: Dwain Kramzar <>
Subject: RE: Business Plan
To: "'Allan Baer'" <>, RonW@SUNCITYLV.COM, "'Allan Baer/IT'" <>,, "'Cook, Orin "Bud" '" <>,, "'Ken Caroccia'" <>, "'Marilyn LeVasseur'" <>, "'Pat Cullen'" <>, "'Richard Post'" <>
Cc: "'
Sun City Summerlin-Blog'" <>,
Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 12:30 PM

Mr. Baer;
Let's cut to the chase! I do not understand why there is a resistance to a
Standard Business Plan by you & the management. FYI: my views have
absolutely nothing to do with a Standard Business Plan. As I stated before
"you have an opportunity to bring these LOSSES to a halt and it won't cost
the community one dime" this is a chance for you to do something great for
our community. The Business Plan conversation you refer to at the January
"Meet the Candidates" meeting was a mystery plan and has never been
published. It is impossible to be misleading about a hypothetical Business
Plan you referred to in my January 18th Email. In the future remember; "If
you ain't read it I ain't said it"

It's time to end the games & move forward,

Dwain Kramzar
2624 High Range Dr.

-----Original Message-----
From: Allan Baer []
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 8:12 AM
To: 'Dwain Kramzar'; RonW@SUNCITYLV.COM; 'Allan Baer/IT';; 'Cook, Orin "Bud" ';; 'Ken Caroccia';
'Marilyn LeVasseur'; 'Pat Cullen'; 'Richard Post'
Cc: 'Sun City Summerlin-Blog';
Subject: RE: Business Plan

Mr. Kramzar,

At the Meet The Candidates Meeting last January you describe
what a business plan should look like in your view, I simply stated that
SCSCAI business plans were not in that format.

Since then another set has been generated, one by each
department head. Ron Winkel send out a set over four or five emails between
February 19th and the 23rd to the whole Board. Just as Robey for copies.

As you did in an email back on January 18th you are
misrepresenting what I said, please stop.

Allan Baer
"Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to
be real
must be unaffected by outside circumstances" Mahatma

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