Thursday, January 22, 2009


Mr. Post/BoD;
I attended January 20, 2009 Meeting of the Board of Directors and have a question on agenda item #7 under NEW BUSINESS moved to UNFINISHED BUSINESS item #1.

Proposal to enter into an agreement with Southern Nevada Golf Association to use Highland Falls and Palm Valley as their home golf courses. Akers/Kelly

For several years I have been a member of the SNGA and I am not aware of SNGA having home Golf Courses, however the SNGA arranges and compiles a yearly tournament schedule open to all SNGA members for all southern Nevada. Also the $$ numbers of income suggested are not attainable with only four tournaments per year; the Board should take this into consideration preparing the 2010-2011 budget.

Thank you for your prompt reply,

Dwain Kramzar

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