Dear Folks,
This is being sent to a group of people who I believe have shown the ability to think. I do not know who in this group believes that the Amendment is flawed. I do not know who in this group will vote yes just because they want the Station. However, it has been noted there is no guarantee that the Cheyenne strip has to be part of the deal. Personally, I know I have been mislead. Furthermore, I believe that any deal that is a good deal will always be a good deal. The Fire Department is not leaving. The land in Sun City is not leaving. The Strip of Cheyenne is not leaving. This deal if a good deal for the City and the Association can be done much, much better.
Therefore I wrote the following article which appeared in the Summerlin News and delivered on Thursday, October 16, 2008.
From: Bob Robey []
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 3:03 PM
To: ''
Subject: Dear Editor
Regarding “Sun City to vote on fire Station,” Home News, Oct. 10, I fervently oppose the Amendment to the CC&Rs to be voted upon by the owners of 7,781 lots within Sun City Summerlin. The amendment to the CC&Rs includes the following offensive language:
“The Board, without the vote of the Owners, shall have the right to negotiate and execute any agreement…”
The Board of Directors shall be able to waive any applicable conditions of the CC&Rs
The Board of Directors shall use its best efforts to include a provision in any such agreement
The Board shall use its best efforts…”
I am appalled that anyone with any sense of history would give any elected body the powers described by the blank check language above. I am disgusted that my board of directors would attempt to remove protective language from the governing documents and ask for unlimited powers. I urge the owners in Sun City Summerlin to firmly reject this amendment.
Bob Robey
Member, Sun City Summerlin
Community Association Board of
We need to add to the newspaper piece the original CC&R language which says, any proposed agreement to dedicate or transfer land to the City must be voted upon after the agreement is reached and not before.
The current unamended CC&R:
“(c) The right of the Association to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the Common Areas to any public agency, authority, or utility for such purposes and subject to such conditions as may be agreed to by the Association. Unless otherwise required by zoning stipulations or agreements with the City of Las Vegas effective prior to the date hereof or specified on a recorded subdivision plat, no such dedication or transfer shall be effective unless (i) such action is approved in writing by such Government Mortgage Agencies as have insured, made or purchased mortgage loans on any of the Lots in the Properties and is approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes of each type of Membership, and approved by all First Mortgagees of Lots; (ii) written notice of the proposed agreement and action there under is sent to every Member at least thirty (30) days in advance of any action taken;”
I would appreciate public comments for and or against the Amendment. If you oppose, what are you will to do? If you do nothing then ask yourself why?
Yes, it does take a personal risk to speak out. It also a risk to not speak out.
It is not my intent to write a thesis here. I am only asking you to contribute to your association. For or against. Speak out. Help out. Get involved. Consider please. Writing to the Paper, Be sure to sign, include your name, address, and phone number. Post on the chat lines. Speak to your neighbors, friends and club associates.
Thank you,
Bob Robey
Remember this: We have a real estate agent asking for your undivided support of the Amendment. We have one Board Member writing his opinions in the LINK. WE have a “limited speech chat line” that has severely limited my ability to express my views. Therefore, I will not be silenced. Freedom of thought is my right. The right to petition is my right. The right to express my views in public shall not be hampered by any petty individual afraid of full open and honest debate.
Then I have to read this garbage. If someone dies in this community because of the long response time it will be on you hands.
This is the garbage I get: I will not be intimidated.
You have wanted to post 7 or 8 messages on the Fire Station this morning on SCSCS which is way beyond reasonable as the SCSCS members do not want you or any other member to flood or dominate the chat line with incessant postings on the same subject. I have approved two and will reject the remainder. I suggest you limit yourself to one message per day on this subject. (Even that is too much). Personally, I truly hope you realize and understand that if the Fire Station proposal is defeated, it will be because of your negative efforts. If someone dies in this community because of the long response time it will be on you hands.
Further, you are deceiving the residents by stating we are getting nothing for selling the land to the City for the Fire Station. We are getting rid of the maintenance of 2.8 miles on Cheyenne. You know this if you have listened to the presentations.
Stan Bjonerud
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