I do not want to add additional confusion to all this, but you wrote to (I never reject a sincere apology and I certainly accept yours), then you continue on with your interpretations of my written comments. I have taken the time to highlight and add clarifying comments that will help you comprehending my intentions; I suggest you go over them again and you will realize that not one of my statements have been derogatory to you, The BoD, ED or anyone else.
I have purposely kept the total string of correspondences together for proper prospective on both our view points from start to finish. I request that you inform your group that none of my comments were to be construed critical of your group or the BoD, I will Cc: the BoD.
Both of us are entitled to our opinions, neither one of us wants to be misinterpreted. I believe that you and I want the best for our community; now it's time to move on.
Dwain Kramzar
-----Original Message-----
From: Sheila McCanna []
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008 7:17 AM
To: 'Dwain Kramzar'
Subject: RE: Sun City News You Can Use
Dear Mr. Kramzar:
I never reject a sincere apology and I certainly accept yours. After the Forum Meeting, at which almost 500 people attended to listen to people who are also "retired"[DAK1] , who devote many hours per week to help benefit the community, the City Councilman, Larry Brown, the Fire Chief, Greg Gammon, do their best to present an "idea" to our community, I returned home quite tired from an intensive three days to read your note. Perhaps you meant to just express a feeling you have that there is no outlet for satisfactory feedback on important issues, perhaps you misunderstood[DAK2] the announcement article in the June LINK which presented the subject, followed by the Forum Announcement of the Meeting, but what I read in your note was another baseless complaint. [DAK3]
The entire effort, Mr. Steinman's' brief article, the Forum Announcement, the meeting for residents; all were directed in the best attempt possible to inform residents and to give everyone an opportunity to express their suggestions and concerns. And lots of people did just that! Forgive me if I think we did the very best we could do. If I misinterpreted your intention I sincerely apologize.
I apologize to you if I became too personal when you note represented to me the group of people who constantly attack the Board and the Executive Director but who do nothing to help with positive ideas or actions to benefit our community.[DAK4]
I have to differ with your opinion that there was a conflict between information in the LINK and information in either my Newsletter or the Village Voice. I differ with your opinion about the lack of an avenue for "pro and con" opinions in Sun City.[DAK5]
I have no problem (depending on my available time), keeping up with any issue that interests me. There are more meetings that offer in-depth information than I can possibly attend, such as Board Meetings and Committee Meetings. I mark all on my calendar every month and do my best to drop in for as long as I can stay. Perhaps people don't know they are welcome to observe and to speak at any Board or Committee meeting. By just attending the Finance Committee meetings one learns enough to make the dedication of time well worth while. Anyone can speak before or at the all meetings. There are opportunities to speak at the Board Meetings before, during certain topics and after every meeting.
Although the LINK's deadline makes timely information difficult, it is delivered via U.S. Mail to every owner and considerable express in an attempt to keep residents informed. The Administration publishes an E-mail alert: E-News: sign up at: Click on e-News and subscribe. Information is updated daily on the Website. I repeat my appeal for you to at least attend the meetings of the LINK committee at which you will see other retired people striving to publish a worthwhile and important vehicle of information. They listen to ideas and suggestions.
There I go again, probably over-the-top. It's dangerous to catch me last thing at night when I'm tired and first thing in the morning when I'm ready to roll! Thank you for your response. You are a gentleman and, once again, I apologize for being rather aggressive in my response. Please feel comfortable to drop me a note anytime you have a concern about an issue. I will be most happy to carry a question or a comment to the appropriate person of knowledge and authority here in the community and get you an answer. If there is something happening with which you disagree please let me know. I can either clarify an issue (my opinion of course) or discuss it with someone who can respond.
Once again I thank you for your nice note and I always appreciate Real Estate referrals and I look forward to a continuing dialogue.
Sheila McCanna
From: Dwain Kramzar []
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 11:03 PM
To: 'Sheila McCanna'
Subject: RE: Sun City News You Can Use
Dear Sheila;
I would like to start this conversation with a sincere apology for any comments that may have offended you or anyone else; certainly this was not my intention to offend anyone. My intentions were directed in the area of informing residents to the need for Pro's & Con's of an issue in order for them and me to make an intelligent informed decision for our community, this is the customary procedure. I stated in my comments that I was neither Yea nor Nay on this issue at this time, also I pointed out the conflicting information in the LINKS (official publication for Sun City Summerlin) and the Village Voice. This leads to confusing information for many and should not be considered critical of the Village Voice or the LINKS. In my adult life I have required information on both sides of and issue and to think for my self and not to be a Lemming. [DAK6]
In response to you suggestion to getting involved in community affairs; I have no intention of ever being involved politics again. I like most residents here in Sun City are retired and are entitled to enjoy the lifestyle (The Good Life) that we all have an investment in.
In conclusion: FYI we met almost ten years ago at several BoD meetings and I thought enough of you to refer several people for Real Estate information. Sheila, if you chose to accept my apology feel free to pass it on to anyone you think I might have offended.
If I have not made myself perfectly clear of my intentions do not hesitate to call me, 702.838.5049
Dwain Kramzar
-----Original Message-----
From: Sheila McCanna []
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 12:56 AM
To: 'Dwain Kramzar';;;;;;;;;;;; 'Rose Marie Princ';;;;;;;;;;;; RonW@SUNCITYLV.COM; 'Allan Baer/IT';;; 'Ken Caroccia'; 'Marilyn LeVasseur'; 'Pat Cullen'; 'Richard Post'
Subject: RE: Sun City News You Can Use
Some of you were at the meeting tonight and learned the background about the idea to place a two-bay fire station within Sun City. You learned quickly that all the hysteria was a waste of time because the actual fact of the matter is that it is only in the thinking and looking stage. Nothing – not one definite decision has been made. This is only an idea to be investigated.
Sun City was asked by the Fire Department if it might be possible to find a location within the community to place a two-bay station with one Ambulance and One Fire Truck – one para-med for each unit. The Board appointed a sub-committee to take a look at our community for possible locations. There has been no selling of any particular point of view. The meeting to night was the first effort to inform you of the idea. The Residents' Forum is pleased to be able to invite you to attend an attempt to inform the community.
In the interest of spreading the information to as wide an audience as possible, both to calm a community that has within it some people who tend to see sinister and secret plans in almost everything, the people who are generously giving of their retirement lives to benefit the community, including the health and welfare of its residents, were happy to participate in tonight's forum.
For those of you who attended you were able to see that is exactly what happened. In an orderly fashion, Frank Beers, the President of the Residents' Forum welcomed everyone and informed them of the up-coming July 12th Candidates' Day where they will meet many of the candidates running for Public Office in the Primary Election. He also announced that the Residents' Forum will hold an Election of Officers at the November meeting and invited those with interest to offer their service to the community by running for one of the Forum Board's seats.
Then Frank Beers introduced David Steinman, A Las Vegas City Commissioner and also a current member of our Board of Directors who introduced the Committee working on the project to identify locations that might be suitable for a two-bay station.
As you can imagine, this is a difficult assignment . It's really too bad the Del Webb Corporation did not have the foresight to plan a site for this purpose. Approximately 12,000 people living within a three-saure mile area (approximate guess on the population as well as the size) who are aging-one would think the planners would have thought about it. Of course, they are the ones who didn't pay any attention to the need for a Reserve Fund and who built a 300 seat auditorium. They made lots of money carving out three golf courses (one too many) and charging people huge premiums for "view lots" knowing the new homes that would be built behind them would block their views and then planted inappropriate Mondale Pine Trees with possible heights of 60 feet and widths of 30 feet everywhere knowing they would look awful in a few years since the watering system was inadequate after just a few years. Why Mondale Pines? They are cheap, grow fast and are drought tolerant-for a while, but I digress.
David Steinman explained that nothing has been decided. Some possible sights are being evaluated. No site appears to be wonderful or meet an ideal parameter. He also explained there are many, many hurdles to overcome including legal issues, conflicts between our CC & R's (written more than 20 years ago for the benefit of the developer), State laws as published in NRS 116, and other very complicated issues, in addition to the problems of finding an appropriate location. He clearly stated this may not be able to be accomplished but we will proceed with due diligence because it is a worthwhile effort to improve the response time for Fire and Rescue to reach us in our homes when we suffer an emergency such as a stroke or heart attack when the difference between a four-minute response and an 8 to 11 minutes response decides whether your life is saved or your body is saved and your brain is not.
David then introduced Las Vegas City Councilman, Larry Brown who presented some background and spoke about his concern for our community's Health, Safety and Welfare. Councilman Brown then introduced Chief Greg Gammon who had excellent slides that showed the gap of coverage for our community. He spoke about the Goals of the Fire and Rescue units to save lives and to be good neighbors as well. Their daily goal is to "get to you as quickly as possible". We used to have units at our homes within the four minute mark. When I called for help a few years ago they were at my home in just under four minutes! Now, with the tremendous growth in the surrounding areas, the response time for our community has extended beyond the ideal time. Chief Gammon is very concerned. By the way, he is the new Chief, with a tremendous background as aa son of a Fireman who followed in his Father's footsteps. He was a para-medic, fireman and came all the way up the ranks step by step-he was appointed in January this year.
The City has provided funding to build three stations in the next year. We are Number One – if we can figure out how to get it done. Do you know it is the Policy of the department to turn off Sirens when entering a residential community? Do you know we had almost 1,800 Rescue calls last year? It's been pretty consistent from 1,700 three years ago, then a few more the next year and then to 1,800. We have around 20 Fire calls – I guess mostly Kitchen fires. I think older people tend to forget to turn off the burners on the stove or fall asleep while smoking. He said few people die of burns – most die from smoke inhalation.
The Chief opened the meeting up to questions. There were a lot of questions and a lot of people who thought it was a "done deal" about the location at Del Webb and Crown Ridge. Some people who live near that intersection got a little ahead of themselves and overwrought and the word spread like feathers in a strong breeze until many were so agitated they could have needed the services of the para-medics. Some high blood pressure was witnessed. I'm so glad to say it appeared the overwhelming number of people present were very much in favor of finding a location to build a station in our community!
Mr. Kramzar, there hasn't been enough time or knowledge to do an "unbiased" impact study. I have no idea why you move to such a suspicious location in your mind when you are just a call away from learning the truth of the matter from any Board member who would easily share the known information with you.
The LINK has a very early deadline. It's difficult to publish currently happening information. You know that. I publish my Sun City Newsletter because of the limitations of the LINK. Have you participated on the LINK Committee? I heard they are looking for more members. This might be an excellent idea for you and give you the best opportunity to actually help to improve communication here.
It's really laughable – Stan Bjonerud and I spend our precious time trying to get information out to as many people as possible in a timely manner via e-mail and you criticize us and accuse us of being toadies with a marketing sales pitch for a particular point of view. Your accusation is so baseless and plain silly. We both work hard to bring you programs that provide information that is current and useful. We invite you to attend the Forum's Monthly workshop meetings – but you've never been there. Why is that? We ask people to present and share (like show and tell – you remember how to do that don't you/) ideas for programs or services we can provide. If you really wanted to participate you would be there. If you showed that you are truly interested in working for the betterment of the community and proved you had something worthwhile to offer you would probably have been appointed to the Committee. You would have then had the pleasure of working with people like Ed Walterschied, a retired attorney whose intelligence makes a working meeting a great pleasure
. Or Mr. Steinman whose vast knowledge and solid logic and thought process and leadership makes it a joy to be part of anything he is involved in. Or working with Mr. Beers – who is the best example of a man who spreads his energy and excellent mind and knowledge with so many different areas that benefit our community. You have no idea how much he does quietly and without fanfare. You have no idea of the amount of time these people spend trying to improve and benefit this community. Mr. Kramzar – let's hear your suggestions and ideas. Just one if you can come up with one. Here's a forum – let's see some solutions.
I sit here trying to respond to your silly note and it's now almost midnight and I'm very tired. Tonight's meeting didn't just "happen" with a couple of minutes of prep. Responsible, intelligent, competent people of achievement spent a lot of time working on the problem and preparing for the meeting. Say Thank You. Stop being Chicken Little and come up with creative and helpful suggestions. Pitch in and participate instead of gathering rocks to throw at the people who are working for you – for free! A lady yelled at me because we ran out of "real" coffee while looking for her second cup of free coffee. Another person criticized the cookies – all provided and paid for by the Forum, shopped for a very busy person-me. Volunteer to be the cookie lady – that would be a good start. I guess you would be the cookie man. That is a refreshing idea. At least you would be participating. The cookies and coffee appear to be a very important part of the meeting.
I'm going to bed. I'll be looking for some interesting and creative and reasonable suggestions in the morning. Get to work!
Sheila McCanna
From: Dwain Kramzar []
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 11:34 AM
To:;;;; Dwain A Kramzar ;;;;;;;; Rose Marie Princ;;;;;;;;;;;;; RonW@SUNCITYLV.COM; Allan Baer/IT;;; Ken Caroccia; Marilyn LeVasseur; Pat Cullen; Richard Post
Subject: FW: Sun City News You Can Use
Hi All,
I received this email from Sheila McCanna and Stan Bjonerud that appears to be a marketing sales pitch for a Fire Station to be placed inside our Sun City (published in Links) contrary to what is implied by McCanna and Bojonerud's Village Voice. I am neither Nay or Yea on this issue at this time; however I do have a problem with the fact that there has not been an unbiased impact study done to provide the residents with the Pro's & Con's so they can make an informed intelligent decision, this has the same smell as NORA and the Golf Course closure talk.
What is the problem with any official published issue presented to the residents of a common interest community having equal space to opposing views and opinions of the residents? Why doesn't the Links publication accept Letters to the Editor?
That's my opinion, what's yours?
Dwain Kramzar
[DAK1]I attended the Form Meeting, with ten neighbors and friends. The first thing that we all noted was that not all the Board of Directors that were in attendance were recognized from the podium. Why?
[DAK2]There was no confusion on my part, none of my comments refer to the June LINKS, this is what I wrote; "I stated in my comments that I was neither Yea nor Nay on this issue at this time, also I pointed out the conflicting information in the LINKS (official publication for Sun City Summerlin) and the Village Voice. This leads to confusing information for many and should not be considered critical of the Village Voice or the LINKS" just how could this be considered as "another baseless complaint?
[DAK3]A resident and property owner in Sun City is entitled to both sides of any issue that affects their property and lifestyle. No one in our group or in attendance was a part of "another baseless complaint" as you describe.
[DAK4]I don't know who this group of people who constantly attack the Board & ED you are referring to, I don't belong to any group & My position is "In my adult life I have required information on both sides of and issue and to think for my self and not to be a Lemming". [DAK4]Just how could you construe my request for full disclosure as an attack on the Board or the ED?
[DAK5]Shelia, this is not my opinion, A LINKS article stated that a tentative proposed site was on Del Web & Crown Ridge vs. Village Voice indicate that no location had been chosen. I did not talk about the lack of an avenue for Pro & Con opinions in Sun City", This is what I wrote," I do have a problem with the fact that there has not been an unbiased impact study done to provide the residents with the Pro's & Con's so they can make an informed intelligent decision."
[DAK6]Lemming: Due to their association with this odd behaviour, lemming suicide is a frequently-used metaphor in reference to people who go along unquestioningly with popular opinion, with potentially dangerous or fatal consequences. This is the theme of the video game Lemmings, where the player attempts to save the mindlessly marching rodents from walking to their deaths.
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