Friday, May 23, 2008

Letter to the Board

Mr. Post;

I would like to bring to your attention three issues for your consideration, Roberts Rules of Order, Voting information given to residents, No new dues statement at April 13, 2008 BOD meeting.

ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER: In order to have Fair and Orderly Meetings & Conventions Parliamentary Procedure and Roberts Rules of Order ( are mandatory.

EXHIBIT "E" BYLAWS SUNCITY SUMMERLIN COMMUNITY, 3.8 CONDUCT OF MEETINGS states At all meetings of the Association, Roberts Rules of Order shall prevail.

VOTING INFORMATION PROCEEDURE: It is customary when presenting an issue for a vote of approval by the residents that they are provided the Pro's & Con's and an unbiased Impact Study of the issues presented.

May 13, 2008 BOD MEETING DUES STATEMENT: At this meeting it was stated that there would not be an increase in the dues due to the $1.4 mil budget error, Recently I have been informed by several residents that there June dues statement reflected an $30 increase, this is contradictory to what was implied at the April 13th Board meeting.


Dwain Kramzar


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