Monday, December 16, 2013

Re: 5 Starr Gaming for the Vista Grill.

After checking my notes, hopefully this will help end all your confusion. Sept 5, 2013 I contacted the then ED, Barbra, asking the rational used with the Agenda item, **X-2. Discussion and motion regarding extending or renewing Templeton Gaming Corporation's lease. President Crawford sent out an arrogant reply, "Lets not forget it's "our" responsibility to do what we think is right, not Kramzer's.  He can run for the Board too.
I had run twice, mainly to implement a business plan in order to stop co-mingling business expenses (losses) with members dues. Sue, your were one of the eleven candidates that supported a business plan, no plan has yet been implemented.]   

Sue, if you want you can read the whole story by clicking on this link.

​Dwain Kramzar​

​PS: [my comments bracketed in blue]

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 8:38 AM, Sun City Sue <> wrote:

I have not been mute, but I am recovering from shock when you said you were not asked to participate.  We had one conversation about the golf courses and you told me you would not get involved in making the pro shops a friendlier place and did not like to play golf here.
​       ​
​what the conversation was the golf & restaurants were not user friendly, therefore many residents were seeking their needs outside of Sun City.][this has absolutely no relationship with gaming/slot machine/restaurant information] 

Later you called me
[I returned your call]
when it became evident that Temple Gaming was not going to stay.  You suggested that a new operator should come in
[this is not true, my position would have been to hold them to the lease agreement]
 because there is money to be made just like you did over the years.
not true]
 I asked if you would help find such an operator and you told me you were finshed
[not true]
and retired.
​[the actual conversation, you stated, Sun City's licence could not be changed, you Referenced Dotty's]
  I find you to be a very experienced and a bright person, I know you care because you are often at the board meetings, but you told me you did not want to run for the board and you were so upset by what is done here in Sun City that you were not interested in wasting your time getting
[not true]
actually I stated that I had run twice, mainly to implement a business plan in order to stop co-mingling business expenses (losses) with members dues. Sue, your were one of the eleven candidates that supported a business plan, no plan has yet been implemented.]   

We all live togther in this community and we all would run it differently if we were incharge, but the homeowners have elected 9 members of a board to be in
​ ​
[I believe to provide oversight is the proper phrase.]
 We don't think alike, but we all think we are doing what is best for the residents and we live with the "majority rules".  In this case, 5 Star Tavern seems to be best for the association and gives those few residents that are active a place to go to eat and gamble within the community.
[I don't have a problem with 5 Starr Gaming, I do with their business model, a train wreck in the making for our Sun City.] ​


On Dec 15, 2013, at 10:54 PM, Dwain Kramzar wrote:

Mr. Steve, I want to thank you for pointing out to the Board that they are the homeowners elected representives and it's there duty to do just that, represent us all. FYI: In the fifteen years that I have lived in Sun City I have probably attended more Board meetings than most Directors, excluding the career Directors Stienman/Caroccia/Akers. Most of these meetings that I attended were to acquire there insight and thinking, in order to see just how this retirement community was being operated. It took some time to realize that there were good people elected to the Board that soon developed a bad case of group-think, you know the rest.

The Board has refused to acknowledge home-owners concerns including lifestyle, health & welfare of the residents, this being a perfect example. They demean and degrade any member that isn't part of this HOA's Group-Think.

Below I have placed [my comments] to Crawfords accusations.  

  1. He , Kramzar,, was asked to participate and refused.  Simple as that. [this is false,  I have documentation do you? I  assume Crawford is repeating the same falsehood that Alitt has posted acting as spokesman for Director Papilion. Director Papilion is being mute,why?]   
  2. Monday morning quarterbacks now weigh in.  Rather then participate and help, they try and point out flaws after the fact. [is what you are saying is, that there is flaws?]  Their motives are not honorable. [I would highly recommend each and every Sun City resident invest the time to visit these properties and judge for themselves, it's your community. Let the Sun City community decide who is dishonorable, me or you!]
  3. ask me respectfully and I will answer respectfully [Great Idea, have you been respectful?]
I sincerely hope more home-owners start paying attention,​

​Dwain Kramzar​

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