Friday, June 1, 2012

Gag Order 6/6/12 BoD Meeting

For the record, my name is Dwain Kramzar, I am a fourteen year member of this Sun City Summerlin HOA. I am appalled with motion #3 under 

XI New Business:
3.  Motion to exempt Don Gelbman from any discussion, documentation, strategies and decisions regarding the pending litigation matter of Jill Elliott vs SCSCAI due to his prior representation of Plaintiff.     Action: Papilion

and would like to point out how dangerous it is to suggest a GAG ORDER for an elected Representative of our community. Open debate and Freedom of Speech by our elected Representatives provides it membership with the check and balances outlined in our governing documents. Furthermore there is no provision in our governing documents that provides an individual or group of individuals the power of a GAG Rule.        

If the GAG Rule in not a Freedom of Speech issue, what is?

Dwain Kramzar

2624 High Range Dr.

Origin and pros and cons

The term "gag rule" originated in the mid-1830s when the U.S. House of Representatives barred discussion or referral to committee of antislavery petitions.[1] Such rules are often criticized because they abridge freedom of speech, which is normally given extremely high value when exercised by members of legislative or decision-making bodies (see Parliamentary privilege and Congressional immunity). On the other hand, gag rules are typically defended on the ground that they help preserve consensus by placing potentially divisive controversies "off the table" of debate.

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