You, I and many other Sun City home-owners have asked these questions over and over again only to be met with silence. It is obvious this and past Boards refuse to be held accountable to the membership. Simple logic would explain that any elected Board member that refuse an independent audit of millions $$ of home-owners funds has the appearance of wrong doing.
- Independent professional investigation (US Attorney) insures Rule of Law
- Independent professional auditing insures accountability.
- Support by the membership needed for a Total Recall can only be accomplished after an independent investigation/audit has been completed.
Bob, any responsible elected Representative would welcome an independent investigation/audit for their own protection.
Dwain Kramzar-member home-owner
On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 7:20 PM, <> wrote:
Mr. O'Connell, as a SCSCAI resident like all the other fine seniors in Sun City Summerlin, who are responsible for the millions being spent, prior to as I have said in a prior message, but before I do wrote to the developer to obtain answers, I feel it best to give you yet another chance to support why you and the Board are both making no effort to stop the millions in losses, while also the Board having decided to change the initial Del Webb policy, that being where initially golf was an imenity only paid for by those who use the golf plan, while that has been changed to where all SCSCAI seniors are not asked, but ordered, even if they do not golf, but ordered to subsidize and pay for golf even if they never step on any of the SCSCAI golf courses.
Joe this is the second time I have written you on this most important issue, and to date I have not received a response to this very important issue. Some may ask why
is the issue so important, so its best I respond. With the initial home purchase contracts, Del Webb made it known that SCSCAI residents with the purchase package would receive the imenities with the purchase, that is as Del Webb stated, except for golf and the restaurants, which purchasers were clearly told, would be paid for seperately by those who used either or both, this being the SCSCAI golf plan and/or the restaurants.
No doubt the golf program has gone downhill, with the golf rounds going from what once was 180,000 rounds to now near 85,000 rounds annually. Along with this and the result of this decrease, there is only near 6% of the SCSCAI residents using the SCSCAI golf program. With that data, the breakdown for three golf courses, is only near one and one half per cent using Eagle Crest. Yet Mr. O'Connell, the result of all this has been a SCSCAI Board these recent years to search for additional income and quite frankly they did a good job in finding that needed golf income to cover what since Del Webb left, has been near $9,000,000 in SCSCAI golf program losses. The Board in need of golf income, decided to maintain three golf courses, not asking the many fine SCSCAI seniors, but ordering the fine seniors to pay for golf even if they never step on the golf courses - - - - Joe just imagine such fine treatment for the many fine seniors who are asked to vote for you at Board election time!
In addition to all this Mr. O'Connell, how about some more of the SCSCAI FACTS!
Various Sun Cities have been hit with declining golf results and income, and have taken what are fair choices to overcome the income loss. Do you think changing the SCSCAI golf policy without a formal announcement to the many fine residents was a fair thing to do? Just imagine any purchaser being told that whether you play golf or not, you are still expected to pay for golf - - - just think how that goes when
purchasers find out???
With all this said President O'Connell, again I ask to respond to why this policy change never was fairly updated with the many SCSCAI seniors. In my previous message on the same important subject, you never responded to the issue, and I once again fairly give you that chance to do so now.
I await the requested response, this prior to questioning the developer why their promise when selling homes was broken, in that SCSCAI residents now are
odered to pay for golf as part of their annual assessment?????
Thanks in advance for your awaited response.
Bob Passmonick
P.S. Mr. O'Connell, along the same lines, besides myself being the party who
implemented both the SCSCAI gaming plan, as well as the NORA plan, which
have added much dollars to SCSCAI, I also have for now nine years
recommended and written a much needed SCSCAI financial plan, yet to date
the Board has turned down any proper financial plan for years! Maybe you
will explain that with financial losses in the millions, why does not SCSCAI
need a proper financial plan???
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