Thursday, May 26, 2011

April 26th meeting and conversation

Ms. Barbara Cogar, SCSCAI-ED

As a follow-up to our April 26th meeting and conversation regarding an approach to implementing a Business Plan for SCSCAI business. At that time I believed that Board support was possible if presented properly; I no longer think that possibility exist due to the following reasons.

  1. It is apparent the SCSCAI business are managed by committee with co-mingled funds, this committee is chaired by a Board member therefore it is an extension of the Board. It is not possible for the Board to provide proper oversight that is required, therefore no one will be held accountable for the LOSSES.
  2. The Board is not ready to relinquish controls of day to day operations and provide oversight to professional management as required in our governing documents.
  3. No professional management team would tolerate being held accountable without a written Business Plan in place. 
Barbra, I had high hopes for a change of direction for our Sun City after struggling through the 2010 fiascoes, maybe next year. At the present time I think it would be a waste of time under the circumstances, if you think differently or an opportunity opens do not hesitate to contact me.  

Thanks for your time and good luck,

Dwain A. Kramzar 
2624 High Range Dr.

On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 4:26 PM, Dwain Kramzar <> wrote:
Ms. Barbara Cogar, SCSCAI-ED

My name is Dwain Kramzar. I am a thirteen year member/home-owner here in SCS HOA. Over several years I have expressed my and many other member/home-owners concerns to the Board and Management regarding the Golf and Restaurant business yearly losses.

Last Monday April 18th Director Caroccia phoned me with his thoughts and recommended that I coordinate a meeting with you, Tom Brennan, Sue Papilion and myself. After much thought I would like to set up a one on one meeting with you first; this would give you and I an opportunity to start off on the same page. My goal would be; 

  • Coordinate meeting with the ED,Tom Brennen, Sue Papilion & myself to explain Concepts and motivations for having a Business Plan.
  • Concept: On February 8, 2010 I recommended an Management Coaching concept to the Board. In the past the Golf and Restaurant business have had yearly losses exceeding 2.5 million and rising. The only disciplines of these losses are the Budget approved by the Board, no P&L or Cash flow statement. 
Ms. Cogar, I would like to incorporate many of these concepts in my presentation. Do you have any thoughts or ideas? Give me a call at your convenience.

Thanks for your involvement, hopefully this could be the first step in financial controls for our community. 

Dwain A. Kramzar 
2624 High Range Dr.

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