Dear Mr. Greenspun,
My name is Dwain Kramzar and I am a twelve year member/homeowner in Sun City Summerlin HOA. Like most residents my wife and I moved here for the retirement lifestyle as provided in Sun City's governing documents. However, shortly after moving here a small political group formed and took control of our HOA by dominating the committee's, therefore, gaining control of our management, communications, finances and elections.
The reason I am writing you this letter is because our thirteen thousand Sun City seniors need your help monitoring the infringement of our laws, rules and lifestyles. It would be a great help if you could meet with a group of concerned homeowners, who have a standard of living and financial positions that are being affected.
Mr. Greenspun, below is a copy of a privately distributed News Letter controlled by this small political group along with my comments in blue. This is their spin on a complete takeover of this HOA at the October 4, 2010 Board of Directors meeting which I attended.
Dwain A. Kramzar
2624 High Range Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89134
Sun City News You Can Use
Hello Everyone!
Talk about trying to find the right words! We have a "situation" here in our lovely community that I need to speak to but I am limited in what I am legally allowed to say. First I want to calm everyone and relieve some of the tension resulting from rumors sweeping through Sun City. If someone told you he or she "knows the real reasons" he or she is not telling you the truth. Only a handful of people really know the why and who and what of our current situation (a small political group) and, believe me, they are not talking-not to me and not to you-and certainly not to anyone who is spreading gossip. Anyone who actually knows the "facts" is not talking because of Legal Constraints and the ramifications of repeating the facts to anyone not legally entitled to the information. (what is being said is that she and her group are the only privileged people to Sun City Summerlin information.)
Why some people in this community are willing to make baseless and ignorant accusations in such a serious situation is way beyond me. Why some people will take advantage of this time of uncertainty and concern to attack me just proves a basic disrespect and intent to harm our community. (how does disrespect of McCanna harm our Sun City? McCanna confuses creditability with respect.)
A couple of weeks ago Director Ron Winkel was relieved of his duties by mutual agreement with the Board of Directors. Some object to the Severance Package and that is their right. The Board of Directors has the responsibility to search for and to hire a new Executive Director. (actually, it is the responsibility of the HR department to search & qualify a candidate, then present to the Board for their approval.)
We probably all need to pray a little that someone of quality will be available and willing to take the job. I believe Ron did a great job getting our community on excellent financial footing. (is losing $2.4m per year by refusing to have a Business Plan excellent financial footing??)
We were in a precarious financial position when he took over. Was he "perfect"? I don't know about you but I'm certainly not perfect. In my opinion he made a couple of judgments that were not in the best interests of Sun City. Nevertheless I very much regret our loss. We also lost Allan Baer to eternity and Bob deDoelder resigned for health reasons after several owners, whom I label "no nothings", screamed and-here's a good word-harangued the Board viciously without real knowledge (BULL, why not let Mr. deDoelder verify this before making accusations) of the background and actual reason for their action. Bob deDoelder was really good for our Board and Community. The actions of a few ignorant people lost us an excellent Board member.
Friends, there are facts that cannot be shared with our members because the Board members are constrained by Law. (the governing documents & NRS116 requires openness & transparency) On Monday, October 4th, the Board relieved David Steinman from the position of Board President because they believed it was imperative and served our community's "best interests". That is their duty and responsibility. The frustrating part of their job and actions is that , by law, they cannot disclose to us, (the public and members), the reasons for their action. (no legal option, just spin) This is different than "open and transparent". Some people don't know, or don't want to know, the difference!
It was a really horrible and brutal three hours (or was it more?) Monday morning. I asked the Board to delay their action because I did not know that "time was of the essence" (a legal term) and learned later they had no choice. The only thing I've been told is the Board members who voted to remove Mr. Steinman from the Presidency of the Board as well as from the Architectural Committee is they deeply regret they had no choice based on facts known to them at the time. (Stan Bjonerud and Sheila McCanna original threats contained in the August 19, Confidential Memo to all Board Directors demanding that David Steinman be removed from the office of President and all committees if the Board pursued the intent to dismiss of the Exec Dir.)
I don't know whether we will ever know the full background. I am, however, convinced this drastic action had to be taken to protect the members of Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. (That's you and me). I understand there will be motions on the next Agenda, for Monday, October 18th (this is a night meeting starting at 6:00 pm) regarding appointment of replacement Board member(s). I will let you know what happens. What I'm asking of you is to have patience. I ask you also to abstain from repeating rumors or gossip and to wait for the next meeting when I believe a better understanding of our situation may (I hope) become more clear.
Now, here's your opportunity to come face-to-face with most of the Candidates who will be on your General Election Ballot! They will be right here in Sun City waiting to shake your hand and answer your questions. (They also bring handouts and goodies!)
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
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