Monday, June 8, 2009

RE: Sun City Concerns

Mr. Baer / Mr. Post;

Mr. Barer;

I want to thank you for your very prompt response to my concerns that affects our community. By your quick response it appears that you were on top of the omission of the accent stripe on the 26.5 miles of the community walls and are in the process of rectifying this condition, Thanks again.

Mr. Post;

I don’t understand your combative tone and insinuations in your response to a resident’s valid concerns. Mr. Post, you and I actually have things in common; we put our pants on the same way, one leg at a time, pay Association Dues and wish the very best for our community. I have highlighted your insinuations in your response and will respond to set the record straight. My referral to the June 2009 Link magazine that quotes information that is questionable and not allowed to be open for debate. You go on to insinuate that my facts are incorrect, what you are saying these so called needed repairs were not scheduled over a holiday weekend? I believe the repair of the Pinnacle tile was discussed at last winters BoD meeting. My reference to “incompetent form of management and oversight was to the short sightedness as to the residents requirements. You go to insinuate that I was questioning whether or not the work was needed to be done, not true; I do question the wisdom of hap-hazard closure of any of our facilities in prime time when they could be scheduled in an off-season time.

What is particularly troublesome is your statements The Board here allows more resident input during its meetings”, No Board allows comment on each agenda item”. The word allows suggest that you have power over your subjects (resident shareholders) that you rule. Lastly your statement “I have found that people who express themselves politely and have their facts straight are more apt to be listened to and receive positive responses”. This sounds judgmental with the Board being the Judge.

Remember time is our most valuable assets, don’t waste ours.

Dwain Kramzar


PS, Last Friday I had occasion to use the Pinnacle facilities for my regular workout program using the newly remodled locker room, looks good. Question: What is the reasoning placing a speed bump under the newly laid tile just inside the entrance of the locker room?

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Post []
Wednesday, June 03, 2009 6:43 PM
To: Dwain Kramzar; RonW@SUNCITYLV.COM; Allan Baer/IT;; 'Cook, Orin "Bud" ';; Ken Caroccia; Marilyn LeVasseur; Pat Cullen
Cc: Sun City Summerlin-Blog
Subject: Re:
Sun City Concerns

Mr. Kramzar,

The June edition of the LINK was designed to recognize the 20th Anniversary of the Association. If it sells some real estate that could be a real blessing to some. Many of our residents are quite content with the facilities that we have here and the way that they are maintained. Do we have occasional complaints that need to be addressed, of course. The directors and the staff are quick to respond and correct any deficiencies that are mentioned. In addition Properties Committee inspectors due regular inspections of all of our facilities and monitor that necessary repairs and cleaning are accomplished. Our facilities are well maintained and most of our residents that use them think so.

I have heard some of your comments in the past both at Board meetings (only once that I can recall) and at the candidates sessions. Your statement below about the blunder of closing of two pools and two fitness centers over a holiday weekend is not accurate.

The closing of the Pinnacle pool for repairs was well justified and needed to be done. As sometimes happens in repair projects when the work starts something is discovered that was not visible until removal of the surface level. This happened at the Pinnacle. There was a float floor underneath the tile that disintegrated when the tile was removed. This required an additional task that had to be completed thus delaying the work. It was not incompetence or lack of oversight.

Mr. Baer has already responded regarding the stripe, it will be applied and this work is planned to start about June 15.

The Board here allows more resident input during its meetings than any other Board that I have heard of in the Las Vegas valley. No Board allows comment on each agenda item and few if any have two resident comment sessions.

I have found that people who express themselves politely and have their facts straight are more apt to be listened to and receive positive responses.

Richard Post

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 10:47 AM

Subject: Sun City Concerns

Sun City Summerlin Board of Directors,
Mr. Post President,

After reading the June 2009 edition of the Link magazine it was apparent
that this publication is primarily designed as a Real Estate sales brochure.
The 20th Anniversary Article talks about the many blessings; "increases in
the number of clubs that have been chartered through the Association"
(questionable, sounds like growth) "The one thing that has remained the same
is our abundance of amenities, which our residents are fortunate enough to
enjoy. Our three beautifully manicured golf courses" (FYI I live on one of
these so called beautifully manicured golf courses), "three restaurants and
one snack bar" (????) This article goes on to praise the swimming pools,
spas and fitness centers; (I would suggest that your talk to the resident
owners that use these facilities on a regular bases).

In the past I and other Sun City home owners have addressed the Board with
concerns that have had negative effects on our community, only to be ignored
or talked down to. Today I would like to bring to the attention of the Board
another blunder, namely the decision to close two fitness centers and pools
at the same time for repairs. These facilities were closed for several
months during the winter; however management chose closure of these
facilities during a holiday weekend depriving residents and their guest of
these amenities; after several promises of a reopen date of the Pinnacle
Pool facilities it still remains closed with much dissatisfaction of the
resident owners expecting that the pool would be open only to find notice
another postponement. This is an incompetent form of management and
oversight of our community.

POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Listen to and represent the resident owners (shareholders
not Subjects of a HOA) by allowing open discussions and Letters to the
Editor of the Link magazine.

As always I'm available, do not hesitate to give me a call,

Dwain Kramzar
2624 High Range Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89134

PS: There is another issue, the arbitrary decision to remove the accent
strip of the community walls creating an intuitional look?

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