Monday, November 3, 2008

RE: Re Sheila McCanna's Email re the Fire Station

Hi Sharon;

You make a very good point. My original position on the Fire Station was neutral but has changed to a NO VOTE mainly due to one sided sales-pitch information and the proposed amendment to the CC&R’s.


  • Minutes of BoD meeting showing a formal proposal from the City of Las Vegas & written details of proposal.
  • Schulman letter states “With respect to the “Eligible Mortgage Holders” the Association does not need their approval of the proposed amendment, if the Association does not need their approval WHY MAKE CHANGES TO CC&R’s?
  • Schulman letter states: “The amendment you are being asked to consider makes only very minor change in the CC&R’s”, IS 600 WORD ADMENDMENT MINOR?
  • Schulman letter states: “This SHOULD continue to make it easier for members of the Association and potential members of the Association, to obtain loans or refinancing”. -- POOR WORDING “SHOULD” = MAYBE!

In conclusion Mr. Schulman’s letter to the Members of Sun City Summerlin Community Association states “Generally, I do not like to amend CC&Rs for one possible transaction” this suggests to me the BoD is using their judgment over the Law Firms. As you know the BoDs judgments in the past are questionable. It’s a shame the Association Members are being presented with a flawed approach to otherwise good proposal. I would suggest everybody think long and hard about amending the CC&Rs, they are the foundation of our community and protect your property value.

Well anyway that’s my two cents worth!


-----Original Message-----
From: Sharon Cline []
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 11:13 AM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Re Sheila McCanna's Email re the Fire Station
Importance: High

As most of you know, we used to live on Sundial Drive...the east side where they want to put the fire station. That same part of Sundial will not only have the fire station, but already has the new (pretty ugly) police building, the maintenance bldg. for Sun City and an office building that doesn't even house any of Sun City offices. Now that's quite a bit of disruption for one street to contend with even without the fire station. I know!!!

If you haven't already voted, please mark your ballot with a NO. That fire station would not even benefit most of the western part of Sun City. I'm sure they can find a more central location for the fire station as well as not disrupt that poor neighborhood any more than it is. (Cars also use that street for a shortcut to Rampart!)

If you have voted, so be it, but I thought I wanted to get my two cents worth in also. However, I also heard that they will keep the voting open until 67% of all residents have voted. Otherwise, I would ask you not to vote. Please just vote and vote NO.



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