Sunday, November 16, 2008

AGENDA/Ref: false misinformation

Mr. Post/Board of Directors;

AGENDA/Ref: false misinformation

I want to go on record that I never have provided false, misinformation or have I been in opposition to the City of Las Vegas providing Fire Protection Services to Sun City Summerlin that you alluded to during the 11/10/08 Board Meeting, a correction to the record is in order. My only concerns are the Home Owners protection provided in the CC&Rs that is tied to this proposal[DAK1] . As we all know, the CC&Rs are incorporated in our property deed and provide numerous protections and values to the property owner. Mr. Post, our conversation during the ten minute break you stated that the type of Government we have in the USA and that we employ in our [DAK2] HOA that the property owners voted to empower the Board to negotiate non written contracts that requires an Amendment to CC&Rs first; on the contrary The Board of Directors has the authority and responsibility to preserve, protect the CC&Rs, By-Laws and the Amenities of the Association.


4. Motion to approve continued employment for Director of Golf, Joe Kelly, to include severance package with health insurance.

During the Resident Comments/Questions Session there was considerable opposition to establishing a Golden Parachute for any employee, especially when you take into consideration their track record of continually losing money. This Motion went through the Discussion/Action/Approval rather quickly not giving any considerations to the objections or ramifications; this is a dangerous course of action setting a bad precedent and violates the Business Judgment Rule. If these concerns to protect the home owners assets are not reconcidered, your actions will place the Sun City Home Owners Association in legal jeporady in the future.

A concerned home owner,

Dwain Kramzar

2624 High Range Dr.



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